Hi guys,
How is it going?
I'm going to need your help for a project...
We were thinking on producing some more community hoodies or t-shirts to show off that we are proud to be part of the O2 Community and to say a little thanks to everyone who makes this place great. Some of you may remember receiving O2 Community hoodies last year and we want to do it again!!
I'd like to encourage you to share your thoughts to help us on the design of them.
- Let's start from the begging: What would you guys prefer, hoodies or t-shirts?
- Apart from the logo of the community, what would you suggest as a slogan for our O2 Community?
- Do you have any ideas about cool designs you'd like to see on our t-shirts?
- We are open to any kind of suggestions so feel free to add anyting and BE CREATIVE!
Looking forward to hear your feedback!