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Community Ranking

Level 94: Supreme
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Now I possibly am going to be shot down in flames for this post but it really is a general concern of mine.

This business of 'going up the ranks' on the number of posts you make (irrespective of content) seems weird to me.

I will willingly use myself as an example. I have posted a lot of stuff, always questions, because I know very little about smartphones. I have also started a few discussions. However, I have only 'helped' a couple of folk with my limited knowledge, so it seems wrong somehow that I should now be classed as Talented (Rank 😎 primarily as newbies may be of the opinion I have a wealth of knowledge of smartphones (hahaha..can hardly breathe for laughing!)

On the other hand people like Jonsie, Perksie, Opium , Bambino, MI5, Papadug, Gillfankskev, stuart1983, Liquid, adamtempo etc etc (apologies if I left anyone out!) fully deserve their rankings because of their knowledge and willingness to share it.

I have no idea how it could be changed, if at all but I personally feel its not justified for folk like me to move up the ranks just because I gab a lot Smiley LOL

An example of what I mean is this...if you took 100 tests in a car and failed every test.. would you be a better driver than someone who took it once, and passed? Just saying....Smiley Embarassed


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 37

Level 94: Supreme
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On other forums I use we can change our own names or have non at all. Don't think Toby would allow us that freedom here though....
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Message 2 of 37

Level 69: Guiding Light
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It's a fair point but to do it any other way the content of all your posts would have to be read and assessed, so I doubt that would work.


I think once the ranks are entered into the system many of the changes will be automatic.


A lack of knowledge doesn't make your posts any less valuable than anyone else's, so yours are just as welcome.


We didn't have titles at all on the old forum and quite honestly I don't really see the point now, but we have them for what they are worth.

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Sky Unlimited Broadband - Windows 10 - Nexus 4 Android 5.1.1
Message 3 of 37

Not applicable

@Cleoriff wrote:

(apologies if I left anyone out!)  

**sobs uncontrollably in the corner** wink


Message 4 of 37

Not applicable

@perksie wrote:


A lack of knowledge doesn't make your posts any less valuable than anyone else's, so yours are just as welcome.


Same applies to me really Cleoriff - my tag line once read 'All-round technophobe and technical thickie' That said, the knowledge I have now has been gained from the guys on here.

Rest assured you'll soon be helping as much as you were once helped slight_smile

Message 5 of 37

Not applicable

Me too slight_frown

Message 6 of 37

Level 94: Supreme
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@MI5 Yes but its not the names as such, I dont have a problem with that, sometimes its good to know who is answering your questions :smileywink:...its the rankings, which I think give a false impression in relation to folk like me.. who, as i say, post a lot, but know every little re technology

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 37

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@Anonymous wrote:

@Cleoriff wrote:

(apologies if I left anyone out!)  

**sobs uncontrollably in the corner** wink


Sorry sorry sorry...also bandofbrothers was missed as well. Damien I mentioned you didnt I?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 37

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@Anonymous wrote:

Me too slight_frown

No I didnt mention you...and apologies again xx

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 37

Level 94: Supreme
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When the idea of rankings and kudos was first raised during the testing of the new forum in beta, every one of those invited to participate were against the proposals but our views were discarded due to the 'vision' of the forum designers.


I still don't like it and never will.


an example: when all the old posts were transferred over, many posts were deleted as they were deemed irrelevant and the contributors lost around 2000 posts each so the number of posts shown against the older users are not reflective of their overall contribution. Another anomaly is the number of 'solutions'. On the old forum there was no way of marking a thread as 'solved' so again the number of 'solutions' isn't accurate except for newer users.


It is the same with kudos, never an option to give one on the old forum over the 4 or more years it ran quite successfully before the new but not improved format. One of the reasons we don't show the number of kudos by our user name.


Anyway, the views expressed are entirely my own and the powers that be can feel free to remove them if they feel fit to.

Message 10 of 37