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Not applicable

Hello every body in o2,


I just wanna write my story with o2 company to who may it concern.

I have bought a contact phone from the dealer for around 6 months ago and paid £500 for this golden special number, I already regitered it in my name but after 2 months it was impossile to topup, after a month I asked  the custmer service in the o2 shop they were not involved in that cases and gave me the custmer service number who can help me, I have called the custmer service and they asked me about the passcode but it was impossible to remember it, it has been forgotten at all from my mind the custmer service at that time asked me about the other inormation and I had answered all, he told me the he will send a new replacement triple card.

next day I received the new card but when I put it in may phone it was no service again.

 I called the cusomer service again and asked him to reactivate my new sim card, he asked me about the passcode which I could not remember it, the customer service man was like a robbot without any feelings

when I told him that the other personal information is provided, he said no sorry if you forgot the passcode for the pay as you go card you will lose the contact phone number.

and the surprice is when I sigend in my o2 account I found my account without number.

the main question is once I decided to be a client in o2 telecom and make a contract they cancel my chosen contact number which was very costy for me, what do you call this action,,,,,Is it marketing, terms and conditions or fraud.


I just felt sorry about that really...



Message 1 of 17

Not applicable

it's all right I just want to share my story and experience in o2 telecom with you guys to get your opinion that's all, I have called Customer service three times but I'm really feeling fed up now..


thank you guys

Message 11 of 17

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A lot of money for a number but if you bought off ebay then you need to be careful. Some sellers may have used it on a different network then report it lost and get the number on a new sim. I would be checking if the number is for sale again or at least contact the seller. It's been disconnected for some reason .....

Message 12 of 17

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I hope you get it sorted @Anonymous. It's a lot of money to pay for a number which, for whatever reason.. has been rendered useless.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 13 of 17

Not applicable

You could get an brand new iPhone or other flagship phone for that price 

Message 14 of 17

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You need to make a chargeable call from the number every three months to keep it active. Lots of sellers of these numbers forget and sell Sims claiming to have gold bunbers, but that are now inactive. Some who buy these numbers but decide for whatever reason not use use it right away, have the numbers deactivated. You never truly own a number. As the network at any point can cancel it, being ileagal use, spamming or threating calls, failing to pay the bill or just simply for not using it.
Current Phone: Sony Xperia XZ Premium
Message 15 of 17

Not applicable

It's not your number to own I'm afraid. It is the property of the network & they allow you to use it to access their service 

Message 16 of 17

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It's every 6 months to keep it active.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 17 of 17