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02 Customer Service is LAUGHABLY bad

Not applicable

Remember the Christmas Bundle for the free charging plate and speakers? Still waiting for mine.


Gave it 30 days, no sign of it at all. So I contacted O2.


"Hurr" say the online chat. "Call this number." They then gave me the phone number for Microsoft tech. Yeah that will help. How about you give me Nintendo's phone number too? Great idea.


Anyway I went back to the customer chat more p****** off and told them I wasn't going to call any number and to just send me the damn offer. It had been SIXTY days at this point.


"Okay" they say, "we have dispatched another one."


I tell them that's great, knowing full well I'm never gonna see it.


It's been... what... 100 days now? Have I seen a single shred of evidence that this thing has even been sent at all? LOL. I contact them again and get re-directed to the same phone number. I tell them I'm not going to call the damn number because it's useless and the rep just snarkily replies that I obviously don't want help and closes the chat on me. Excellent support, 10/10.


So I contact them for the 50th time and get put on with a rep who asks me if I've rebooted my phone and taken the SIM card out. Yeah! That will solve the issue.


At this point I'm not bothered abou the stupid charging plate or speakers. It's the principle of the thing. All they have to do LITERALLY ALL THEY HAVE TO DO is send me it in the mail. They have my address. Why is this so hard for them. Why is this so hard for a million £ company. They can't even do this. They can't do the simplest of tasks. They are so incompotent it hurts and I'm thinking about changing provider because this is pathetic.


At least I'm enjoying the comedy value of dealing with complete morons.

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I too think that if a phone is offered with extras then they should be included in delivery of the phone. Why is it so hard for the likes of Nokia to send them to the suppliers who can deliver them to the customer. Having to chase the phone manufacturer is both time consuming, frustrating and totally needless.

Message 11 of 11