on 24-05-2019 09:50
Well, it's finished, After more than a few hours editing and more than a few days rendering the final composition, it's ready.
It was supposed to be just an intro to reviews like the old star wars / phone wars ones, but this is a bit more epic..
If I missed anyone, I strongly apologize
So.. presenting the 2019 reviews intro:
Game of Phones.
on 24-05-2019 15:37
on 24-05-2019 15:37
Fantastic, absolutely brilliant. Top marks for that one.
on 24-05-2019 16:08
on 24-05-2019 16:08
on 24-05-2019 16:46
on 24-05-2019 16:46
Simply stunning, really really REALLY good!
To say I'm truly chuffed doesn't cut it - thank you!
on 24-05-2019 17:22
on 26-05-2019 10:16
on 31-05-2019 13:19