I wanted to download my bills as I don't get paper bills, but got back
as far as Sept 23, then all bills before that date download as Sept 23.
Why is this?
Thank you for the update. I noted your link, but went my own way to FB,
and private messaged from there. The link will be useful for reference,
next time and for anyone following this thread.
... I should add that if the reason is because of the change in billing
system - why doesn't the 'system' tell me that instead of wasting my
time in using the download button and finding that the same bill is
being downloaded for different dates? Not...
Thank you for the response, but, having tried to contact O2 already I am
not looking forward to trying to contact them from the links sent. maybe
an old fashioned letter will get results............, just like anything
else on line these days - no hu...