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Forum Posts

Word Association Thread (New)

As the old thread has disappeared off the 'face of the earth', I've started a new thread for those of us who enjoy Off Topic.Along the lines of the previous one, the idea is someone writes a word and the next person adds another word linked to the pr...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
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The "What Are You Listening To Right Now" Thread

I was looking for this all over the place but I couldn't find it! Every forum should have one of these! So, here we go! Billy Talent - Red Flag YOUR TURN!

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Think we're having bad weather? This is tonight's forecast for the Northeastern US.

Bambino by Level 86: Prestigious
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This should be posted on the Community Home Page but, unfortunately, cannot post on there. In these dreadful times, members of this O2 Community have excelled themselves in their help and support of O2 customers, they are, in my opinion, true heroes ...

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
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Thought of the day

As part of the #o2surprise that I received last week, there was a jar of smiles. Many were keen to see what would come out of the jar each day, so here are the ones so far! The one that I picked out on Friday was "If you want to see the rainbow, you ...

gmarkj by Level 67: Unsung hero
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The Virtual Lounge

Anyone here ? [Please see related discussion about "The Virtual Lounge" here]

blissgirl by Level 36: Perceptive
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Real Bread Week 23 Feb-3Mar 2019

Just found out that this week is Real Bread Week.... So what do you like in your butties?I`m gonna get a banana sarnie....

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
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Bring Back TV Programmes

What TV programmes do you miss, or too young to see at the time, and would love to see reshown?I know that some old programmes are repeated on channels such as Dave, Yesterday, Drama, Gold -feel free to mention any that you miss and are pleased on an...

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
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[GAME] Valentine's Day Word Search Puzzle

Hi guys and happy Valentine's Day! Here's a new puzzle that we haven't tried before: word search I'm excited to see if you like it and how easy/difficult you find it! It's pretty simple - I've hidden 50 Valentine's Day related words within the grid i...

Valentines Puzzle
Marjo by Former Staff
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Thursday Quiz Day

Hi, Hello, How are you?In the style of QI, here is a once-a-week quiz....Every Thursday there will be a new question. You have until 11am (British time) Friday to answer.The rules:- post should read: title of quiz and answer- only one answer per post...

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
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Oscars - Academy Awards 2019

Hey everyone, This years Academy Awards are happening on Sunday! The annual event hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is a celebration of movie greatness and the highlight of Hollywood's calendar. Along with the awards Queen and...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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No - not the lovely posters here but Ch 5 recently showed programmes on the nation`s favourite sweets and chocolates and I was wondering what your favourites are and are there any you miss? Me? Fav chocolate - Cadbury`s Fruit & Nut; and sweets I miss...

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
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Desert Island Discs

You have probably heard of, or maybe even listened to, the BBC Desert Island Discs, in which folks choose which 8 records they would take with them to a desert island, along with one luxury (cannot be anything to escape or rescue - so no boat, tablet...

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
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Love Your Pet Day!

Hey everyone, Today is international Love Your Pet Day! I know there's no shortage of pet lovers here on the O2 community but today is the purr-fect day to show a little extra love to the critters in your life! I'm going to be giving my kitties a lit...

Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 14.53.56.png
Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Winter X Games: do you follow winter sports?

Hi guys, It was interesting to hear about your preferences when it comes to Tennis earlier, and as there's now another sports event starting this week, the Winter X Games in Aspen, I'd love to hear if you also follow this one or if you're interested ...

Marjo by Former Staff
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What do you do during half term?

Hi guys, February half term has started for UK schools today, finishing 26th February. I don't have children myself so the only way I notice this really is when commuting to work (less drivers on the roads) and the week before hearing my colleagues t...

Marjo by Former Staff
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