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Forum Posts

Word Association Thread (New)

As the old thread has disappeared off the 'face of the earth', I've started a new thread for those of us who enjoy Off Topic.Along the lines of the previous one, the idea is someone writes a word and the next person adds another word linked to the pr...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
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The "What Are You Listening To Right Now" Thread

I was looking for this all over the place but I couldn't find it! Every forum should have one of these! So, here we go! Billy Talent - Red Flag YOUR TURN!

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Think we're having bad weather? This is tonight's forecast for the Northeastern US.

Bambino by Level 86: Prestigious
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This should be posted on the Community Home Page but, unfortunately, cannot post on there. In these dreadful times, members of this O2 Community have excelled themselves in their help and support of O2 customers, they are, in my opinion, true heroes ...

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
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Thought of the day

As part of the #o2surprise that I received last week, there was a jar of smiles. Many were keen to see what would come out of the jar each day, so here are the ones so far! The one that I picked out on Friday was "If you want to see the rainbow, you ...

gmarkj by Level 67: Unsung hero
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The Virtual Lounge

Anyone here ? [Please see related discussion about "The Virtual Lounge" here]

blissgirl by Level 36: Perceptive
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Do you follow eSports?

Hi everyone, This weekend I did something a little unsual (for me at least), and thought it would be interesting to share it with you and get your thoughts on the wider subject On Sunday, I attended the Summer Finals of the UKLC, the UK League Champi...

Stadium Stadium decorations Wristbands Arena
EmilieT by Former Staff
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R.I.P Glory

As you can see from the thread title, I have some tragic upsetting news to pass on to the members of this forum. Our friend @Glory1 passed away in hospital on Saturday. To avoid speculation and questions I will tell you what I know. Glory had been mi...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
  • 23 replies
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The White Room Thursday Quiz - 5 Sept 2019

This week`s contestant, chosen at random by @EmilieT, is @pgn The six questions are: Q1 [people]: What was the name of William Shakespeare`s only son? Q2 [history]: What was the name of George Stevenson`s first steam locomotive? Q3 [geography]: What ...

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
  • 14 replies
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New Mobile Phone Scam (Delivery)

There's a new scam doing the rounds (as if we haven't enough!) A brand new top-of-the-range phone is delivered to your door. The package has your name on it but you don't remember ordering it.There is another knock at the door and a courier asks for ...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
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[GAME] Herbs and Spices Word Search Puzzle!

Hey everyone, It's time for another word search! This time the theme is herbs and spices! There are 40 words hidden in the below grid for you to find. Good luck! As before, the rules are simple: so that everyone has a chance to participate, please gu...

Herbs and spices word search
Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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I'm not well

For those who are not aware, I am presently in St Mary's in Paddington, after a fall. Bless @Cleoriff she managed to track me down. Through the police, after a fall. I've had a nasty fall and I will be in hospital for sometime. Slowly getting better....

Glory1 by Level 43: Bright Spark
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Pounds, shillings, and pence

Given that it's only a matter of time until the current lunatic Brexit-based-nostalgia / take-back-control crowd try to bring back "old money" along with pounds/ounces, miles/yards/feet/inches, gallons/pints etc. - can we have an assurance that we wo...

Raise The Masts!

A solution for better 5G, but at what cost?

Bambino by Level 86: Prestigious
  • 8 replies
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The White Room Thursday Quiz 29 Aug 2019

Advanced notice: The White Room Thursday Quiz is open to all members.The next White Room Thursday Quiz will be on Thursday 29 August 2019. To give new members, and those who have not played or are unfamiliar with the quiz, some idea of the questions,...

Mi-Amigo by Level 47: Going Places
  • 32 replies
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