on 04-01-2023 09:14
Welcome to
There are two White Room Quizzes each week - one on Monday and one on Wednesday.
Today`s WRQ is the first part of the three-part A to Z Quiz 3.
Instead of 8 questions - with two questions on each of four of the usual categories - there are 8 questions,
with one question on each of 8 subjects - each based on a letter of the alphabet
A - Antiques; B - Bingo; C - Clothes; D - Dance; E - Extinct; F - Flags; G - Gardening; H - Hobbies
The White Room Quiz is open to all members.
Those wishing to take part must pm me - @Mi-Amigo - their answers between 12 noon today [Wed] and
03.00am Friday morning.
Please do not post your answers on the thread.
I hope our regular quizzers
@Cleoriff @pgn @jonsie @gmarkj @MI5 @TallTrees @BobM @Comben @J9el @Spenny @RafaC
and any member, who has taken part in the past or has never taken part, and any new members will join in with today`s White Room Quiz.
Q1 A - ANTIQUES - What is an antique Louis XVI boneur du jour ?
Q2 B - BINGO - In the game of bingo, "droopy drawers" is the call for which number ?
Q3 C - CLOTHES - What type of clothing was a babouche ?
Q4 D - DANCE - The name of which dance means half-step in Czech ?
Q5 E - EXTINCT - Pinguinus impennis is the scientific name of which bird which became extinct in 1844 ?
Q6 F - FLAGS - Which animal is featured on the flag of Berlin ?
Q7 G - GARDENING - In gardening, what is mulch ?
Q8 H - HOBBIES - A blunger machine is used in which hobby ?
The White Room Quiz is open to all members of the Community.
Each member must pm [private message] their answers to me [Mi-Amigo] after 12 noon today [Wed 04 Jan 2023] and before 03.00am Fri 06 Jan 2023.
Please do not post your answers on the thread.
The answers - and results for each player taking part - will be posted on Fri 06 Jan 2023
Each member will be awarded for each correct answer. In addition, Thinkers will be awarded as follows
Each member must pm [private message] their answers to me Mi-Amigo after 12 noon today [Wed 04 Jan,
2023] and before 03.00am on Fri 06 Jan 2023.
No member is to post any answer on the thread.
Any answer received after 03.00am on Fri 06 Jan 2023 will be declared void.
No googling, wiki, youtube search for answers.
The White Room Quiz is open to all members.
New members, who have recently joined the Community, and members who have not taken part before, are welcome to join the "regulars" with this week`s quiz.
Please feel free to post any comments on the questions - but not the answers - on this thread.
If you have any questions about the quiz, please ask and I will reply here.
I hope everyone likes the questions in today`s White Room Quiz, and finds this WRQ fun.
Good luck, everyone
on 05-01-2023 21:16
on 05-01-2023 21:47
on 05-01-2023 21:47
on 05-01-2023 21:55
on 05-01-2023 23:17
Back in the game - Answered PM'd @Mi-Amigo
Sorry to miss a few... It was a busy Christmas and New Year for me but when I get chance I'll be looking at the previous WRQ's I missed to educate myself and even check out the final few Christmas Community Events.
Happy New Year Everyone! 2023 already!
on 06-01-2023 05:52
on 06-01-2023 05:58
Q1 A - ANTIQUES - What is an antique Louis XVI boneur du jour ?
A1 writing desk
Q2 B - BINGO - In the game of bingo, "droopy drawers" is the call for which number ?
A2 44
Q3 C - CLOTHES - What type of clothing was a babouche ?
A3 slippers
Q4 D - DANCE - The name of which dance means half-step in Czech ?
A4 polka
Q5 E - EXTINCT - Pinguinus impennis is the scientific name of which bird which became extinct in 1844 ?
A5 Great Auk
Q6 F - FLAGS - Which animal is featured on the flag of Berlin ?
A6 bear
Q7 G - GARDENING - In gardening, what is mulch ?
A7 leaves, bark, organic matter to suppress weeds
Q8 H - HOBBIES - A blunger machine is used in which hobby ?
A8 pottery
on 06-01-2023 06:18
Q1 correct - Q2 correct -
Q3 correct -
Q4 correct -
Q5 correct - Q6 correct -
Q7 correct -
Q8 correct -
plus for 8 correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 early morning wood - incorrect Q2 correct - Q3 correct -
Q4 correct -
Q5 correct - Q6 correct -
Q7 correct -
Q8 correct -
plus for 7 correct answers
Bronze Thinker
Q1 correct - Q2 correct -
Q3 correct -
Q4 correct -
Q5 correct - Q6 correct -
Q7 correct -
Q8 correct -
plus for 8 correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 correct - Q2 correct -
Q3 correct -
Q4 tango - incorrect
Q5 Imperial penguin - incorrect Q6 correct - Q7 correct -
Q8 correct -
plus for 6 correct answers
Bronze Thinker
Q1 sorry, too vague Q2 pass Q3 vest - incorrect Q4 pass
Q5 Antarctic penguin - incorrect Q6 correct - Q7 correct -
Q8 baking - incorrect
Total = 2 stars for two correct
Q1 correct - Q2 33 - incorrect Q3 correct -
Q4 correct -
Q5 correct - Q6 correct -
Q7 correct -
Q8 correct -
plus for 7 correct answers
Bronze Thinker
Q1 correct - Q2 correct -
Q3 correct -
Q4 correct -
Q5 correct - Q6 correct -
Q7 correct -
Q8 correct -
plus for 8 correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 correct - Q2 correct -
Q3 dress - incorrect Q4 correct -
Q5 correct - Q6 correct -
Q7 correct -
Q8 stamp collecting - incorrect
plus for 6 correct answers
Bronze Thinker
Q1 make-up stand - incorrect Q2 correct - Q3 rain jacket Q4 correct -
Q5 dodo - incorrect Q6 correct - Q7 correct -
Q8 sewing - incorrect
plus for 4 correct answers
Red Thinker
on 06-01-2023 06:30
Silver Thinker = 8 correct - @MI5 @Cleoriff @jonsie
Bronze Thinker + star = 7 correct - @pgn @BobM
Bronze Thinker = 6 correct - @gmarkj @J9el
Red Thinker = 4 correct - @Comben
2 stars = 3 correct - @RafaC
Well done
@pgn - Bronze Thinker + star
@BobM - Bronze Thinker + star
@gmarkj - Bronze Thinker
@J9el - Bronze Thinker
@Comben - Red Thinker
@RafaC - 2 stars
Everyone taking part was awarded at least two stars
I hope everyone enjoyed this White Room Quiz and will join in Monday`s White Room Quiz, which will be the White Room Quiz A to Z Quiz 3 part 2
with 8 questions, with one question related to a letter of the alphabet =
Thank you everyone for taking part and making the WRQ fun.
on 06-01-2023 07:31
on 06-01-2023 07:31
on 06-01-2023 07:48