on 01-05-2019 09:30
Hello Thursday Quizzers
The subject for this week`s Thursday Quiz will be
But, there will be a slight twist in the questions, so everyone will have a chance, whether good or not so good at geography.
Want to know more?
Come back at 10pm tonight [Wed] when three questions will be posted and this THRSDAY QUIZ will open and stay open until 12 noon Friday.
See you then,
on 01-05-2019 22:42
on 01-05-2019 22:42
Q1 = Amerigo Vespucci
Q2 = Vatican City
Q3 = Magellan
I agree with @Cleoriff and @MI5 on questions 1 and 2 but on question 3, it was my understanding that it was Magellan that got the credit for circumnavigating the world. And that was I was taught at school 100 years agov So Magellan's my answer, right or wrong
01-05-2019 22:43 - edited 01-05-2019 23:16
01-05-2019 22:43 - edited 01-05-2019 23:16
Deleted by me Duplicated. Oops..............
on 01-05-2019 22:47
on 01-05-2019 22:47
@Glory1 wrote:Q1 = Amerigo Vespucci
Q2 = Vatican City
Q3 = Magellan
I agree with @Cleoriff and @MI5 on questions 1 and 2 but on question 3, it was my understanding that it was Magellan that got the credit for circumnavigating the world. And that was what I was taught at school 100 years ago
So Magellan's my answer, right or wrong
No need to post twice @Glory1 I got your message the first time you posted
Veritas Numquam Perit
01-05-2019 23:19 - edited 01-05-2019 23:32
01-05-2019 23:19 - edited 01-05-2019 23:32
Q1 = America is named after Amenhotep in the OED.
Q2 = The Holy See
Q3 = Noah, in his Ark. In those times, all men were circumnavigated.
on 01-05-2019 23:22
on 01-05-2019 23:22
on 01-05-2019 23:54
on 01-05-2019 23:54
on 02-05-2019 07:07
on 02-05-2019 07:07
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on 03-05-2019 13:47
on 03-05-2019 13:47
Five members - @Cleoriff ; @MI5 ; @Glory1 ; @pgn ; @gmarkj - took part:
@Cleoriff: Q1 incorrect * klaxon *; Q2 incorrect * klaxon *; Q3 correct + credit for knowing Elcano replaced Magellan.
@MI5: Q1 incorrect * klaxon *; Q2 incorrect * klaxon *; Q3 correct + credit for knowing Elcano replaced Magellan.
@Glory1: Q1 incorrect * klaxon *; Q2 incorrect * klaxon *; Q3 incorrect * klaxon *
@gmarkj: Q1 no answer; Q2 incorrect * klaxon *; Q3 no answer
@pgn: Q1 incorrect * klaxon *; Q2 incorrect * klaxon*; Q3 incorrect * klaxon * but for giving us all a laugh with his answer to Q3, I will give a special award
Congratulations to our joint winners this week:
@Cleoriff and @MI5 who each had got + one credit.
A1: America is not named after Amerigo Vespucci, Italian cartographer, who mapped south American coast in 1500-1502, but never reached North America. Martin Waldseemuller`s map of the world in 1507 first suggested America was named after Vespucci. But countries are never named after a person`s first name but always after their second/surname.
The correct answer is Richard Ameryk, Welshman living in Bristol, chief investor in second transatlantic voyage in 1497 by John Cabot, who mapped the North American coastline from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland. A Bristol calender of 1497 stated "on St John the Baptist Day [24 June] the land of America was found by the merchants of Bristowe [Bristol]"
A2: The smallest country in the world is not Vatican City [also known as the Holy See], which measures 0.44 sq km.
The smallest country in the world is Sealand, declared a Principality in 1967. Formerly Rough Towers, in the North Sea, 12km off the coast of Suffolk, England, Sealand measures 0.004 sq km.
A3: The first man to sail round the world was not Ferdinand Magellan, who was killed in the Philippines in 1521, when he was part way round the world.
The correct answer is Juan Sebastian Elcano, Magellan`s second in command, who took over the voyage after Magellan was killed and completed the first circumnavigation of the world.
Thank you all for playing.
Next week, the THURSDAY QUIZ 9 MAY 2019 will be three questions on
MUSIC [NOT The Beatles!!!]
Details of the quiz and the questions will be posted on Wednesday 8 May.
on 03-05-2019 14:17
on 03-05-2019 14:17
Good grief!! Sealand? Who wants to live there?
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 03-05-2019 14:22
on 03-05-2019 14:22