on 14-10-2012 15:47
on 14-10-2012 15:47
on 12-11-2012 16:10
I will probly buy both as the some great titles on both consoles and that way your getting the best of both worlds I hope you new comers to black ops 2 2moro like been spawn killed thats the tactic everyone using due to the current spawn system that treyarch are testing Its a epic fail though.
12-11-2012 18:33 - edited 12-11-2012 18:34
12-11-2012 18:33 - edited 12-11-2012 18:34
Well my bo2 did not show up today. Should be tomorrow I'm getting no sleep tonight. 2 years I've been waiting for more zombies. Its like all my christmas's have come at once 😛
I think I'll get the 720 when its out as I'm on my 7 ps3 in five years. I just kept buying them cause of my games but when I start again I will change. The build quality of the ps3 is beyond rubbish. My first fat ps3 lasted me about 3 years. These slim ones last me about 6 months. I normally get 2 out of one warranty. I must say though Sony warranty service is one of the best I have used, phone them one day my replacement is with me the following day.
If anyone is on ps3 format and wants a game of zombies with a pro like me pm me for my psn id. I cant post it on here its far too rude, for the nice people of this forum.
on 12-11-2012 18:41
i am just in the process of downloading the nuketown zombie map from my hardened edition my tag its going to be good fun
I no what you mean about them breaking down my 60gb ps3 mdel lasted until mw2 and then got the ylod and then i moved to slim and the have lasted roughly around 8 months each and then got the hdmi problems, 😞
12-11-2012 18:48 - edited 12-11-2012 18:49
12-11-2012 18:48 - edited 12-11-2012 18:49
@Anonymous wrote:i am just in the process of downloading the nuketown zombie map
I am so jealous of you right now :manmad: if fact i hope it take's 12 hour's to download.
on 12-11-2012 18:54
I was hoping to download it on saturday when i got it but its only just gone on to store in the past hour 😞
on 12-11-2012 18:59
on 12-11-2012 18:59
I'm going to be fighting with the masses tomorrow for my share of the bandwidth. That's going to be fun for me..
on 12-11-2012 19:10
Tell them black ops 2 comes first lol
on 14-11-2012 14:31
@ zombie fried have you managed to redeem your hardened codes ?? Most of the codes have been duplicated and mine as already been used in germany according to sony, Its a complete shambles how this can even happen in first place.
on 14-11-2012 14:57
on 14-11-2012 14:57
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on 14-11-2012 17:43
Yes penny, my codes worked fined on both hardened copys we got. really enjoying bo2. the zombies is bizzare though, but fun. I've been going mental running around nuketown with a shotgun.