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Royal Wedding: Your idea & experience of stag/hen do?

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Hi all!


Only one day left until the wedding of the year! Happy Dance


We've had a few interesting discussions already about weddings and your experiences, including:


We covered a lot of different aspects of your ideal wedding but forgot the important(?) thing that usually happens beforehand - the stag/hen do! chicken


What would your stag/hen do be like?

Separate parties for bride and groom, or a "hag" (or "stan") do together?

What location?

Fancy dress or normal clothes?

What would you like for entertainment?

Any party games you'd like to play?

Would you like to be surprised or know in advance what's coming?


Let us know what you'd prefer! Smiley Very Happy

Message 1 of 13

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"There were a lot of people who were friends with Jimmy Savile before they found out about him"


Do you really think Jimmy Savile's close friends didn't know what he was doing? Seriously?


And do you not mind funding the royal family’s lavish life style when there are so many people living on the streets of London? I think it's disgusting to spend £370m on refurbishing Buckingham palace when society in the UK is falling to pieces. They are selling off the NHS, wage cuts everywhere, homeless people all over London, but we have £370m to fund the Queens home! WHAT???


And she’s one of the richest people in the WORLD! And the UK gov has a cheek to ask tax payers to pay. The whole system is a JOKE!

CrazyOz - Free UK Classified Ads
Message 11 of 13

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@KorkmazI'm not getting into a debate  about the cost of the Royal family with you. I could argue that they bring a lot of tourism into the country which gives us millions.  This wedding gave work to millions. I could also tell you that the only thing the taxpayer paid for with this Royal wedding was the security. The rest was paid out of the Royal Privy purse. If you don't like the Royal family, thats your choice.

Surely you aren't naive enough to imagine for one minute that any of this money would have gone to the NHS (where I worked for 45 years) It wouldn't. The government would have made use of it for something else.

If you got rid of the Royal family tomorrow it wouldn't help the homeless, the NHS etc. It would, however, put a lot of people out of work.


Your comment about Jimmy Savile is laughable. Of course his close friends knew what he was up to.

The Royal family were hardly best friends with him. They soon removed his knighthood once his real lifestyle was revealed.

Anyway, that's it from me...we have opposing opinions. You stick to yours and I will stick to mine wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 12 of 13

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Tourism? I suppose no one wants to visit France anymore after they chopped the heads off of the Royal family back in 1793. Why would anyone want to visit France or Paris now? Hmmm you got me thinking now...

CrazyOz - Free UK Classified Ads
Message 13 of 13