on 07-06-2018 23:01
on 07-06-2018 23:01
on 08-06-2018 10:02
on 08-06-2018 10:02
@Cleoriff wrote:
@Poppysmum wrote:
I am
at some of the posts i read , folk tell you their life stories
I am also appalled at the way people post on FB @Poppysmum
I really am amazed at what people think we want to know about their day to day activities.
The ones who go away or out on shopping day trips amuse me they have maps telling you where the live and then you follow them on their travels
I just think burglars paradise @Cleoriff
on 08-06-2018 10:09
on 08-06-2018 10:09
@Poppysmum wrote:
@Cleoriff wrote:
@Poppysmum wrote:
The ones who go away or out on shopping day trips amuse me they have maps telling you where they live and then you follow them on their travels
I just think burglars paradise @Cleoriff
^^^^^^ True.
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 08-06-2018 10:37
on 08-06-2018 10:37
@Cleoriff wrote:
@Poppysmum wrote:
@Cleoriff wrote:
@Poppysmum wrote:
The ones who go away or out on shopping day trips amuse me they have maps telling you where they live and then you follow them on their travels
I just think burglars paradise @Cleoriff
^^^^^^ True.
Why would I want to bore people to death with my daily doings
I never understood people who post from when they wake up till they go to sleep with every detail of their day. My first question is always why and my second who cares. My thought for the day aimed at them is 'get a life'
on 08-06-2018 10:42
on 08-06-2018 10:42
My 'daily doings' WOULD bore people to death. My F1 posts on FB probably already do...
I do have a complete and utter love of wildlife and conservation and will often share posts from WWF...
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 08-06-2018 11:28
on 08-06-2018 11:28
@Cleoriff wrote:My 'daily doings' WOULD bore people to death. My F1 posts on FB probably already do...
I do have a complete and utter love of wildlife and conservation and will often share posts from WWF...
There is a difference between posting on a particular interest on FB and just posting your day from arising until bedtime. Many people have interests in F1 or wildlife and conservation, and some in both. Personally I fall in the latter category and find your posts on wildlife interesting and occasionally will post a comment.
What I also will never understand is all the people that want to 'friend' me. Who are they and why do they want to friend me. I have 100s of such requests all of which I ignore. The less strangers know about me on FB the better. I know nothing about them and have no interest in their day-to-day doings nor would they have any interest in mine. I find it very odd and unsettling tbh.
on 17-06-2018 19:11
I was persuaded to join in 2007 but after a month I got my account disabled as I found it immensely boring.
I have also been told by a number of Managers and those in HR roles that they tend to look at FB profiles of applicants and those connected to the applicants to get a better idea of the person.
I've nothing to hide and the people I consider friends (which I can count on one hand) are decent people but even so considering how much garbage circulates on there I'd rather not bother with it.
Same goes for Twitter, I only maintain a professional profile on LinkedIn.
on 19-06-2018 04:36
on 19-06-2018 04:36
on 19-06-2018 04:39
on 19-06-2018 04:39