on 16-08-2012 16:35
You would've thought that with advance technology and more use of gadgets these days, we're able to multi-task more than before, right?.
Well, the study conducted by OnlineCollege reveals something else... What's your take on it?
on 16-08-2012 16:57
on 16-08-2012 16:57
on 16-08-2012 17:15
Why is it always Americans that come out with this stuff that is not an accurate study at all in my eyes
on 16-08-2012 17:20
on 16-08-2012 17:20
I can quite easily read a newspaper, watch TV, listen to the football commentary and keep up to date online on any given Saturday afternoon during the football season:smileyhappy:
on 16-08-2012 17:23
Likewise think its another load of claptrap that they keep coming up with
on 16-08-2012 18:03
on 16-08-2012 18:03
I can multitask at work quite effectively: I can ignore my manager, communicator sessions, emails and phone calls about doing work. 100% improvement in personal productivity. Unless you count cat videos as being productive
on 16-08-2012 23:36
@sheepdog wrote:I can multitask at work quite effectively: I can ignore my manager, communicator sessions, emails and phone calls about doing work. 100% improvement in personal productivity. Unless you count cat videos as being productive
I actually did just lol.
I can multitask pretty well, it's best I don't though because I do get absent minded and put things down and forget where.