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Lumpy biscuity soggy bottom hot beverage...

Level 77: Grand Master
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A line by @Chris_K, borrowed from another post, one about International Tea Day: "Lumpy biscuity soggy bottom tea...".


So as not to take that discussion OT in that thread, I can say "Lumpy biscuity soggy bottom coffee..." is equally yucky, having been left with just a tiny corner of my Novellini biscuit, gripped between finger and thumb, as the rest dropped into the murky brown depths of my mug of coffee with a resounding plop...


Then, having forgotten, to take a large swig from the mug, only to be left with a mouthful of sludge that is neither tasty nor swallowable ... 😝

Happy Friday!

Message 1 of 4

Level 94: Supreme
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Absolutely disgusting!

1) Coffee Yuck...

2 Soggy Biscuit. Double yuck...

Veritas Numquam Perit

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Message 2 of 4

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Glad I'm not the only one that's absolutely horrified at lumpy biscuity soggy bottom tea/coffee. With the right sort of biscuit it's a total risk/reward. And to my surprise, the internet has totally settled the debate of best biscuit to dunk, and which ones you run the risk of ruining your day with that dreaded lumpy biscuity soggy sludge at the depths of your favourite mug.


Biscuit type Breaking point Recommended dunking time (RDT)
Hob Nob 15 seconds 5 seconds
Malted milk 20 seconds 6 seconds
Ginger nut 32 seconds 3 seconds
Fig roll 38 seconds 4 seconds
Chocolate digestive 41 seconds 4 seconds
Digestive 48 seconds 5 seconds
Chocolate Hob Nob 51 seconds 9 seconds
Rich tea 58 seconds 4 seconds
Custard cream 1 minute 6 seconds 8 seconds
Jammie Dodger 1 minute 8 seconds 8 seconds
Shortbread 1 minute 20 seconds 11 seconds
Bourbon 2 minutes 39 seconds 7 seconds


I'd like to add that Tunnocks Caramel Wafers which should absolutely be on this list, are another safe dunking option. I have not scienced it up, but I'd suggest the RDT for that being somewhere in the 7-10 second range with a breaking point that exceeds even the mighty bourbon. I could be wrong, but it's a hardy Scottish-born biscuit... It can square go a cup of tea, any day.

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Message 3 of 4

Level 77: Grand Master
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Ah. Bourbon creams, yes, resilient to most hot beverages. Also I can attest to Walkers or Paterson's (the two-packs often found in most cafés) or Lidl's own Shortbread Fingers being  incredibly hot-beverage friendly 👍

The Tunnocks Caramel Log I have yet to try, but the Cadbury's Snack Sandwich biscuit (or the Club biscuits) are also most resilient, and yummy as the chocolate melts slightly. Mmm.

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