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Kodi and Piracy

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I know this subect was touched on in a thread about a specific WiFi box but BBC  released a news item yesterday...

Many of us have these wifi boxes with Kodi installed. I have two... 1 in Spain and 1 upstairs....

A cheap convenient way for a lot of us.
I suppose it was only a matter of time before all the free streaming of channels and films was pounced on by the Federation Against Copyright Theft (FACT)
They say...

"Tackling the use of Kodi and other set-top box software to stream pirated videos is now the top priority for rights-holders, a report says.

Some boxes or "TV sticks" support software add-ons that can stream subscription movies, sport and TV channels over the internet for free.

The Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact) said about half of its current investigations concerned the devices.

It said boxes configured to receive premium content for free were illegal"


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 15

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Forget the "name".
Kodi isn't illegal - it's the apps that bypass paid for services that are.
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Message 11 of 15

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@MI5 wrote:
Forget the "name".
Kodi isn't illegal - it's the apps that bypass paid for services that are.

Which takes you full circle to the title of the thread and the article published by the BBC news. Kodi.. Kodi.. Kodi...

I realised when I bought my android wifi box that I was finding a way to 'beat the system' when Sky got turned off in Southern Spain....Mobdro was a delight to discover (for F1)  but FilmOn has been used for years in Spain (and the rest of the EU.) Nothing more than freeview really and available via playstore. The ramifications are very complicated FACT will have a job on their hands I think...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 12 of 15

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Interesting article here about Kodi. Apparently it originated from software for the XBox (who knew?)

The app, which is the centre of a landmark court case in Middlesbrough, has hit the headlines across the country.

Is it legal? Yes... according to the article (which needs reading in full to get all the ramifications) Dance

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 13 of 15

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As I keep on saying, there's nothing wrong or illegal with Kodi. But, apps that you install that bypass paid for content for free are.
It's common sense surely to think something's a little bit dodgy about not paying for a Sky subscription and watching all the sports channels for free?
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Message 14 of 15

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@MI5 wrote:

It's common sense surely to think something's a little bit dodgy about not paying for a Sky subscription and watching all the sports channels for free?

Of course it's common sense @MI5 I have also mentioned this repeatedly. In fact from June I was stating elsewhere it was probably 'only a matter of time'

I just wanted this thread to be a discussion topic for everyone that's all...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 15 of 15