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Happy Australia Day 2018

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Hi There, 

I would like to wish everyone (especially our Australian contributors) a very happy Australia Day for 2018. I hope the people back home enjoyed the welcome holiday.

I am a huge fan of Australian Rugby Union and can remember the days of Michael Lynagh, Damian McKenzie and John Eales.

The Wallabies seemed invincible in those days.



Give the People a Voice
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A thousand apologies. I should have said "Ewen McKenzie" .  Damian McKenzie is a top class All Black.


Give the People a Voice
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@Bill1945The day didn't go without a hitch. Apparently there was a massive 'Invasion Group' rally protesting about Australia Day...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 9

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Not that I'm pushing for violent protests, cause I'm not. They do more damage than they help whatever cause they're protesting about. But they do have a point. Aboriginal people in Australia like Native Americans in the States have had a raw deal for years. However, swearing at people and getting violent will only confirm in many peoples' minds their racist views that they are right to treat them like 2nd class citizens or worse. Violence and abuse just doesn't work in the long term.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 4 of 9

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Hi There,

Thank you for your replies and my apologies for not posting a reply yesterday.

Thank you for your thoughts @Glory1. I agree with you wholeheartedly.


Give the People a Voice
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People forget that when these countries were colonised the natural inhabitants were treated badly, even brutally. It's absolutely understandable that natives would protest but violent protest is not the way. But it's not only those countries.

The inhabitants of South Africa were unjustly treated, numerous other countries too where the colour of your skin and your origins are harshly abused and met with intolerance. They in turn have to set up their own communities and there are many no-go  areas for whites and coloureds.

We are in the same situation in this country if I dare say so. But the shoe is on the other foot here. Our tolerance to immigrants has led to communities in every town where integration is all one sided and the immigrants are voting their own kind into government. 

I'm not being racist at all. Many Asians are good friends of mine. I just find it shocking that the hands of welcome are ignored by so many immigrants. They want their own schools and Mosques are appearing all over our skyline.

I'm just saying the way it is. Those who do integrate for all the right reasons are welcome in my home. At weekends I have Asian carers attending to me and they can't do enough. Where would our NHS be without them. All the doctors at my new health centre are Asians and it is fine on my part, it's Asian owned, no problem with that at all.

As I say the shoe is on the other foot here with so many no-go areas and we have awful political parties and awful other organisations who are sprouting up and sadly there is no shortage of members crawling out of the woodwork. 

This is the country we live in and soon as I'm out of it the better.

Admin :: please don't delete this as a racist post. It's far from that and an honest appraisal of the times we live in.


Message 6 of 9

Not applicable

I support what you say in your post above  ^  ^  ^  @jonsie

There is a strong Asian community in the town in which I live ... they tend to live in a particular part of the town

There are also lots of people from Eastern Europe

There are good & not-so-good in most walks of life

One of my treats in life is to go for an Indian head massage from a lovely Asian woman, it's a pleasure

The NHS staff at our local A & E hospital, where I've been for various reasons, couldn't have been more helpful / professional with me ... & ... there are many different nationalities there

I'm not racial minded ... I believe in live & let live for the good of us all

I'm not as eloquent / arrticulate as @jonsie ... I hope I've expressed myself alright

Message 7 of 9

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It certainly is a sign of the times we live in @jonsie and you have summed it up extremely well...:smileywink:



Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 8 of 9

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@jonsie wrote:

People forget that when these countries were colonised the natural inhabitants were treated badly, even brutally. It's absolutely understandable that natives would protest but violent protest is not the way. But it's not only those countries.

The inhabitants of South Africa were unjustly treated, numerous other countries too where the colour of your skin and your origins are harshly abused and met with intolerance. They in turn have to set up their own communities and there are many no-go  areas for whites and coloureds.

We are in the same situation in this country if I dare say so. But the shoe is on the other foot here. Our tolerance to immigrants has led to communities in every town where integration is all one sided and the immigrants are voting their own kind into government. 

I'm not being racist at all. Many Asians are good friends of mine. I just find it shocking that the hands of welcome are ignored by so many immigrants. They want their own schools and Mosques are appearing all over our skyline.

I'm just saying the way it is. Those who do integrate for all the right reasons are welcome in my home. At weekends I have Asian carers attending to me and they can't do enough. Where would our NHS be without them. All the doctors at my new health centre are Asians and it is fine on my part, it's Asian owned, no problem with that at all.

As I say the shoe is on the other foot here with so many no-go areas and we have awful political parties and awful other organisations who are sprouting up and sadly there is no shortage of members crawling out of the woodwork. 

This is the country we live in and soon as I'm out of it the better.

Admin :: please don't delete this as a racist post. It's far from that and an honest appraisal of the times we live in.


Well @jonsie@ I'm mixed race and agree with everything you say. Of course as an American I spoke English when I arrived - American English but English. So it was easier for me but I did have to learn certain things were different here, the currency for one and what words, acceptable in New York were not acceptable here.. And I wanted to fit in so I learned. I didn't expect everyone to fit in with me nor think I'd come to an offshoot of the States  


Anyone, irrespective of colour and/or religion entering this country to live should imho respect the laws of this country, speak English or learn (it is the language of this country after all), respect its culture and heritage and attempt to integrate into the community they live in.


Many come here, keep to themselves, don't learn English and expect all of us to change for them. Why, as I live in an English-speaking country should I learn another language to accommodate them.


I am Jewish but I don't force my faith down anyone's throat. My faith is personal and I've always believed we all worship the same God differently. I resent anyone Muslim, Jew, Hindu or Christian forcing their form of worship down my throat.


Like @jonsie my friends come in all varieties Muslim, Jew, Hindu, Christian and atheist. They all speak English and integrated perfectly if they've come from abroad.  


We are too tolerant in this country with useless parliamentary parties and this is the result we see today.


So, @jonsie if your post is considered racist, which it isn't, then so's mine! Another problem in this country, being accused of racism when you're simoly telling it like it is 

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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