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[GAME] Word Scramble - Bond Villains and Bond Girls 🔫

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The name's Scramble, Word Scramble 🤵.


You spoke, we listened! @RafaC hosted a very successful Bond Movies Word Scramble the other day, and he let me know about @pgn's suggestion: Bond Villians and Femmes [Girls]. We agreed this was a great idea, so it had to go into the word scramble pipeline. Thank you for sharing, pgn 💡


Very simply, you have one mission. Unscramble the following names of Bond Villians and Girls:


  1. ssupy lagoer [FOUND] PUSSY GALORE
  2. rd jlsuui on [FOUND] DR JULIUS NO
  3. peyltn 'tloeoo [FOUND] PLENTY O'TOOLE
  4. aucri odeggirlnf [FOUND] AURIC GOLDFINGER
  5. nyheo edrry [FOUND] HONEY RYDER
  6. ertns saotrv lolbdfe [FOUND] ERNST STAVRO BLOFELD
  7. anay mavaaso [FOUND] ANYA AMASOVA
  8. racfsconi crgsnmaaaa [FOUND] FRANCISCO SCARAMANGA
  9. wjas [FOUND] JAWS
  10. ftaami blhus [FOUND] FATIMA BLUSH
  11. huog drxa [FOUND] HUGO DRAX
  12. vsreep lydn [FOUND] VESPER LYND
  13. mxa zonri [FOUND] MAX ZORIN
  14. irdmaan frtos [FOUND] MIRANDA FROST
  15. el hirceff [FOUND] LE CHIFFRE
  16. ctsospyou [FOUND] OCTOPUSSY
  17. rm wheit [FOUND] MR WHITE
  18. vee oenmpyney [FOUND] EVE MONEYPENNY
  19. obddoj [FOUND] ODDJOB
  20. alce reatyenvl [FOUND] ALEC TREVELYAN


As always, please only one guess per reply, so that everyone has a chance to participate, and also please wait until someone else has guessed after you before you guess again.


When an answer is found, I will update the original list above and post the most recent version of the list in my replies.


All I can say is good luck 😅. Where are the Bond fanatics at, please?


@jonsie @sheepdog @Mi-Amigo @Cleoriff @Bambino @MI5 @madasaf1sh @anticpated @welshsteve76 @viridis @gmarkj @TallTrees @RunrigForever @BOSSGOGG @Oxygen87 @djbsuffolk @Anonymous @Projectionist @BobM @Anonymous @J9el 

Community Manager for the O2 Community 🙂
Message 1 of 56

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Yes it will @lewys-gp. I hope it's not a woman. That might seem  funny actually coming from a woman but the role was written for a man in my opinion. Pretty much like Dr Who. I struggle seeing a woman in that role as well.😂

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 51 of 56

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No, I totally see your point 😂😁. I'm all for changing things up, but can see how fans would rather the films stay true to the books 😊. I haven't read any though, so maybe I'm not allowed to comment on who the next actor should be 😂


Looking forward to whoever the next one is, though! 

Community Manager for the O2 Community 🙂
Message 52 of 56

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If a woman did take the part of James Bond then obviously the name would have to change to Jane Bond. Otherwise if she is still called James it would look silly. The film would have to be renamed Jane Bond. And that is as close to the name James as you can get. Jenna Bond or Jill Bond just doesn't work.




Message 53 of 56

Not applicable

Well in my opinion you can't have a woman James Bond, James Bond is a man! Ian Fleming created him, it's his creation.

Why not have another female secret agent? You could have her in her own film series, and in the future Bond film series with James Bond. 

Message 54 of 56

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I totally agree @Anonymous . Everything is far too PC nowadays. It gets ridiculous at times!

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 55 of 56

Not applicable

I'm not keen on Jodie Whitaker's take on Doctor Who either. So won't get you started on Doctor Who! Why this obsession in making everything female?! Will we have Denice the Menace and Ruperta the Bear next! And make Gnasher female - no way!




Message 56 of 56