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End Of BST = Clocks Back Tonight

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Just a gentle reminder that the clocks go BACK tonight.Officially 2am but who waits until then?

Another hour in bed (unless like me you have animals who don't understand the concept):rofl:


Set your clocks back 1 hr before going to bed tonight | Fall back time,  Fall back time change, Set clocks back


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 12

Not applicable

Thank you for the heads up @Cleoriff  I had forgotten

I have to admit I alter my clocks on the Sunday during the day

My watches I tend to be a bit more haphazzard about ... ... ... a good Sekonda one I wear all the time will be altered ... ... ... I have some fashion watches, mostly cat themed, they will be altered as and when I wear them

I remember the time the clocks altered when my baby son was on the bottle ... ... ... no-one told him ... ... ... and yes, my cat Marty will tell me when he wants feeding / go outside by his body clock. 

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I do mine when I go to bed @Anonymous.

Many a time I had to remind my grandson's footie team at Saturday training, otherwise we were either too early or too late for a match on Sunday!! Depending on the season of course.

When we had the apartment in Spain, I would let Reception know and they would put a notice up. rofl

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 12

Level 36: Perceptive
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Thanks for the reminder @Cleoriff will sort my clocks out slight_smile
iPhone 15 plus 128Gb light pink & Apple watch series 9 pink (Celluar all with Vodafone slight_smile
Message 4 of 12

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This is now the time I will be missing my home in Thailand upside_down

I will be awake at 2am so that's the time I will adjust my one and only clock, everything ese is automatic thankfully.

....oops, forgot the microwave and CENTRAL HEATING!!

Message 5 of 12

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Thanks @Cleoriff for this...

I reminded my carer this morning. She is also due to come tomorrow morning. She said she`s forgotten the clocks were going back!! and thanked me for telling her - otherwise she`d be banging the door at 6.30am tomorrow morning instead of 7.30am.

Made me wonder how many people don`t know, don`t remember, or don`t care and what affect it has on them when clocks go back.... 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 6 of 12

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It's affected the F1 calendar @Mi-Amigo 

They originally had race start at 3pm. Now moved back to 2pm. Thanks god!!

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 12

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I wrote this a decade ago. It still holds true:

Each of us gets the opportunity, once a year, to re-live an hour of our lives - and the powers-that-be make us wait until 02:00 to do it! Why couldn't the hour go back when I was enjoying a particularly good moment in my life, and I'd get to go through it all again, in the style of Groundhog Day.

20201024_133918.jpgOr give me a chance to rectify that particularly bad choice of words I used with so-and-so in the pub, I'm sure I'd get it right the second time around.

No, they have to go change it at some ungodly hour when I am too far out of it to notice.

The hour going back wreaks havoc with the central heating, your PC tells you that "Windows has auto-adjusted your clock, is that ok?", and the bread you put into the machine to be ready at 9am is now a sweaty lump instead of a crusty cob. Worse yet, that late-night bit of phwoooar TV program you thought you'd set the video to record from 00:45 until 02:15 has half-recorded and then caught 45mins of "get your ringtones here" adverts, or similar (!), if anything.

How do factories handle it? Automated production lines churning out dongles that have to be baked for exactly 98.25mins - which have had their cooking-time extended by an hour as 01:59:59 came and madly reset the thing back to 01:00:00...

What about hole-in-the-wall cash machines/auto-tellers? I wonder if I withdraw £20.00 at 01:30 in old currency, can I go back to the same machine and withdraw another £10.00 an hour later at 01:30 and only get £10.00 deducted from my account?

Anyway. Clocks now all returned to good old Greenwich Mean Time. Or Universal Coordinated Time (UTC, something to do with the French, I think...) 😂

Message 8 of 12

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That's brilliant @pgn  LOL

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 12

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Well put @pgn 

Very trying and (again) in my view unnecessary.

Edited to say that several clocks including car NEVER get changed ~ SO I can't remember what the

real time is?  nerd  EVEN when the most important radio broadcast were broadcasting the TIME WRONG ALL NIGHT !!  i.e. The World Service Hope shipping wasn't listening they could be miles off!!!


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