on 25-06-2017 14:46
on 25-06-2017 14:46
When I was with another provider, I used my phone near my pc and heard nothing from the pc speakers. Using the O2 SIM, when I start to use my phone I hear elelctrical interference from the speakers. Is this due to the fact the I am now using a different frequeny which just happens to interact with the circuit in the speakers.
on 25-06-2017 14:54
on 25-06-2017 15:18
on 25-06-2017 15:18
Sounds like an old phone to me. Shouldn't be anything to do with the SIM card
on 25-06-2017 15:40
on 25-06-2017 15:40
Perhaps it is interference but could you describe what "electrical interference" is? A static type sound or a tick-tick-tick type of sound? A buzzing or a hum?
Also do you happen to have any wireless devices nearby on channel 70 (863-865MHz)? I've recently hit this problem with wireless microphones and discovered it wasn't the batteries cutting out in the middle of speaking but the 4G signal encroaching on the lower end of 863MHz! (Just to say that a quick test with a SDR dongle proved that plus a bit of research but need a bit more testing to prove it).
on 26-06-2017 00:48
Nothing has changed except the SIM card.
My phone is very old technology (slide phone)
on 26-06-2017 00:50
The phone is old (slide phone).
What surprised me is the electrical interference which I did not get from the previous SIM. Mainly noticeable when connecting, then slience.
All the best.
on 26-06-2017 00:56
No wireless devices around. I am glad that you offered signs of interference. It is a very rapid tick, tick tick type of sound. After getting past my PIN, it becomes silent
on 26-06-2017 00:58
PS. When I said no wireless devices around. I meant not in my room. There are a number of rooms around me occupied by others. I have no idea what they have in their rooms.
on 26-06-2017 06:27
on 26-06-2017 06:27
on 26-06-2017 09:06
on 26-06-2017 09:06
Who was your previous SIM with? My guess is 3 as I don't think this network falls-back to GSM(I could be wrong!), and it sounds like typical 'GSM interference' you are hearing.