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Easter Community Event - Guess The Film (Bunny Edition)

Level 6: Acolyte
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Happy Easter Week Everyone. 🐣🐇🍫

And welcome to my community event - Guess The Film (Bunny Edition)
Happy Easter to all those that celebrate it, I hope you are enjoying time off work with lots of chocolate or hot cross buns too! What better way to celebrate it than with a community event, so whether you are with friends or family this easter or even just relaxing on your own I hope you will join in with this film quiz.


As some of you may know I usually do a riddle themed events but fancied a change this year and have moved on to something new with these guess the film quiz's... This time round I will show you 8 seperate screenshots taken from different films and all you need to do is identify the film and post your answer in the comments - plus for a bonus point you'll also need to let me know what year the film was originally released.

For simplicity I will release the screenshots one at a time after each one is solved and will link the films to the Easter O2 Community event - This means al the film are some sort of bunny including some scary films so play along at your own discretion.

Before we begin there are a few rules I want to add in order to help everyone feel included:

  1. I will release one screenshot at a time and reply to answers submitted - When a correct answer is received I will release the next screenshot in the comments. (I will not be able to edit this original post to add the new screenshot due to the O2 time constraints of editing a post)
  2. Please only guess once in a row - To allow other to join in please only submit another guess or answer the new screenshot if someone other than me has posted in between your last reply.
  3. If the game is particularly slow (which can sometimes be the case) please disregard rule 2 and feel free to submit a second answer in a row, this mainly applies if no other guesses have been received for at least 15 minutes.
  4. I have tried to have put the screenshot into a scaling difficulty, however at any point if you would like a clue please let me know in the comments so I can reply with a hint - Please bear in mind I will wait at least 20 minutes after a request for a clue in case someone else answers.
  5. Hopefully you'll all enjoy this game, I believe all screenshot are guessable to the right person so for the sake of enjoyment please avoid using google or otherwise to seek out the answers.


Thanks for reading the first screenshot will be released in a few moments just before 7pm today (08/04/2023).

Guess the 'Bunny' themed film this is from and include the year it was originally released for a bonus point.


Don't forget to follow this threads comments to see the new screenshot and to be able to play along because as mentioned they will be released one by one in the comments once the previous screenshot is solved. (This is due to the maximum edit time of my original post).

Final things to mention are that: this game is open to anyone and everyone - I will be here to help the game progress. And if for whatever reason it’s still ongoing at 11:59pm tonight (13/02/2023) then I will pause play until Easter Sunday Day (08/04/2023).

Hopefully you all enjoy my addition to the O2 Easter Week Community Event.
Good Luck Everyone!


"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 1 of 34

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Great game @Comben. Really enjoyed it.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 31 of 34

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Thank you @MI5 and @Cleoriff, so pleased you enjoyed the game.

Not that the scoring matters but the final table looks like this:
@Cleoriff = 9
@MI5 = 7
@Mi-Amigo = 3

Thank you for playing and Happy Easter to you all. Hopefully next time we can try for a couple more players. 👍😁🐣🍫🐇📽

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 32 of 34

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Hi there @Comben 

I  was watching with interest but I couldn't guess any, hopeless with names of films. I  thought it was an interesting different quiz well done. 

Best wishes TallTrees 


Message 33 of 34

Level 6: Acolyte
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Thanks for following along @TallTrees, I understand it's hard to join in when you don't know many films but I'm glad you enjoyed watching it unfold. 😀

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 34 of 34