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8 Winter(ish) Riddles - Christmas Community Event

Level 6: Acolyte
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Hope you are all managing to stay warm this Winter, it certainly feels like it's getting colder and my family are starting to drink more hot chocolate with the added bonus of mini marshmallows.


As some of you know I like to add a riddle game to the community events and this Christmas is no different so whether you've played before are a new player welcome to '8 Riddles themed loosely around Winter for the Christmas Community Event.'


Before we begin there are a few rules I want to add in order to help everyone feel included:

  1. I will release one riddle at a time and reply to answers submitted - When a correct answer is received I will release the next riddle in the comments. (I will not be able to edit my original post to add the new riddles due to the O2 time constraints of editing a post)
  2. Please only guess once in a row - To allow other to join in please only submit another guess or answer the new riddle if someone other than me has posted in between your last reply.
  3. If the game is particularly slow (which could be the case due to having this event on a Saturday during the Football World Cup) please disregard rule 2 and feel free to submit a second answer in a row, this mainly applies if no other guesses have been received for at least 15 minutes.
  4. I have tried to have put the riddles into a scaling difficulty, however at any point if you would like a clue please let me know in the comments so I can reply with a hint - Please bear in mind I will wait at least 15 minutes after a request of a clue in case someone else answers.
  5. Hopefully you'll all enjoy this game, I believe all riddles to be solvable with thought so for the enjoyment of others please avoid using google or otherwise seeking out the answers just to post them here.


Thanks for reading, please find the first riddle below:



I am cold and without a soul, if you find any warmth within me it will slowly kill me, who am I?


Don't forget to follow this threads comments to see the new riddles and play along because as mentioned they will be released one by one in the comments once the previous riddle is solved. (This is due to the maximum edit time of my original post)


As already mentioned anyone and everyone is welcome to participate, I will be here to help the game progress and hopefully we can all enjoy my addition to the Christmas Community Event.


Finally if this game goes past midnight, which it might do due to the time of the event, then I will pause it until midday on the 11th December - During these 12 hours feel free to guess/ ask for a clue but please note that I won't be around to monitor and update the next riddle until noon on the 11th December.


Good Luck!


"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 1 of 40

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I think that would be a Snowman, @Comben?





Message 2 of 40

Level 6: Acolyte
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You are spot on pgn, well done. 👏The answer is indeed: A SNOWMAN

(Side note - I love the addition of a picture/ meme too)



I have lots of animals but I’m not a vet, I wear a suit but I’m not a businessman and I have a vehicle that moves very fast but it doesn’t have any wheels. Who am I?

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 3 of 40

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@Comben wrote:

You are spot on pgn, well done. 👏 The answer is indeed: A SNOWMAN



I have lots of animals but I’m not a vet, I wear a suit but I’m not a businessman and I have a vehicle that moves very fast but it doesn’t have any wheels. Who am I?


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Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 4 of 40

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I love this community, thanks so much for adding pictures to this thread, you are right MI5. 👏 The correct answer is: SANTA CLAUS



At Christmas time there is always extra treats, sweets and chocolate bars in the family house, you walk past the kitchen counter one day and there's 17 chocolate bars so decide take 3, how many do you have now?

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 5 of 40

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Logic dictates you have the 3 chocolate bars that you just took, @Comben.

Message 6 of 40

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Correct again pgn 👏 - the stumbling block here was not to assume it's 14 (17 minus 3). So like you said, it makes the answer: THREE (The 3 you just took)

(Hahaha, love the picture and even more the message 'hidden' within the brand names 😂)



When does Christmas come before Halloween?

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 7 of 40

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@Comben wrote:

Correct again pgn - the stumbling block here was not to assume the answer was 14 (17 minus 3) Which like you said makes the answer: THREE (The 3 you just took)



When does Christmas come before Halloween?


I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 8 of 40

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Level 6: Acolyte
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MI5 and jonsie you are both absolutely right 👏 and I have to say I'm loving these picture answers to the riddle quiz, so thank you both for the correct answer of: IN A DICTIONARY



A local weather reporter says the temperature is -1 degree on Monday, -2 degrees on Tuesday and 0 degrees on Wednesday, then says, Thursday will be twice as cold as the day before. What will the temperature be on Thursday?

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 10 of 40