on 17-04-2013 16:14
on 17-04-2013 16:14
Been following all instructions-just get this error message 'Message number 1 could not be retrieved. Account: 'brachethecub', Server: 'mail.o2.co.uk', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR cannot open disk file error 2', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800420CD'. I also get over 300 'no subject' messages in my o2 e-mail inbox! Outlook looks like its downloading all messages-then the above error comes up!
Succesfully configured gmail to outlook express-pulling my hair out over this! I run windows xp by the way-all up to date with security-latest browsers etc. Not sure where to post this so doulbed up-mods remove one if needed! Thanks if anyone can help!
on 17-04-2013 16:24
Chucked in my suggestion on t'other post....
on 17-04-2013 16:24
Chucked in my suggestion on t'other post....
on 18-04-2013 09:10
ta-will check it out!:smileyhappy: