on 27-05-2015 07:07
I know @MI5 started his 'Lonely' thread yesterday.... as he was the only one who managed to get online ...but I thought I would start this one in the hope that management may be able to advise us about Forum issues
Many of the regulars are aware of problems experienced when trying to access the forum over the past 2 days
For me it started on Monday 25th. All ok first thing, then unable to log on for about an hour 8-9am
I had problems again on the Monday evening ...no access from 4-7 pm.
Yesterday (Tuesday) I was 'locked out' from about 4pm till 9pm.(Along with the majority of others I suspect...except MI5) Twitter was alive with the sound of complaints
It was stated that GiffGaff had the same problem.
So a couple of questions from me....
Is this related to Mondays network outage?
Has the forum been compromised?
Is it likely to happen again soon?
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on 02-06-2015 10:12
on 02-06-2015 10:12
@DinoF wrote:I want to add that I am also getting errors on this website (forum pages).
Mainly a "This Connection was Reset" (big yellow hazard sign with an exclamation mark inside it!!) error everytime I simply just reload the forum page?
I have to keep reloading the webpage until it finally laods up correctly! Very frustrating......
For the record, I am using Windows 7 and Firefox 38.0.1
...still getting this, this morning??
Is there any update on a fix?
on 02-06-2015 10:41
on 02-06-2015 10:41
on 02-06-2015 11:03
on 02-06-2015 11:03
Same for me, every single time when I log out and most times if I minimise the tab to do something else. Also does it at odd times when hitting the post button when replying. Getting really annoying. No problems with any other sites.
on 02-06-2015 11:18
on 02-06-2015 11:18
Here's a weird one. Arrived in Spain and tested the Note 3 for log in problems. None whatsoever. Straight on
Get to apartment ...different laptop though still running Win 7 and FF and couldn't get on. 3 attempts and eventually triumphed. My concern is... the regulars know of this problem and will keep persevering....but what about new posters?
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on 02-06-2015 11:33
on 02-06-2015 11:33
I don't actually need to log out for this to happen.
I stay logged into the forums (the site used to log me out after 30 mins but has recently now been keeping me logged in until I actually manually log out - a good improvement! ) and just refresh the tab, and it STIL gives me the error more often than not.
Something STILL very broken somewhere
on 02-06-2015 12:43
on 02-06-2015 12:43
I am actually noticing that some first time posters are showing their name twice
This has only started happening since the forum problems last week...
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on 02-06-2015 15:20
on 02-06-2015 15:20
So how does this work? I'm signed in around 4 hours ago then switch the tablet off. Go shopping, eating, come back, put it on charge, switch on maybe 15 mins ago in the bar, I get a half loaded page but I'm signed in. Definitely bust!
on 02-06-2015 16:50
on 02-06-2015 16:50
My last word on the subject @Toby. .....
for gods sake get it sorted.....
on 02-06-2015 17:16
on 02-06-2015 19:33
on 02-06-2015 19:33
@viridis wrote:
Sometimes you gotta Refresh the page to load up the enhanced post functions too (attach pic, link, smileys etc)
Which is ok for regulars who know we have problems...what about the new posters? Or conversely could this only be happening to the regulars? Either way, it's not sorted a week on and we are none the wiser...
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