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iPhone 13 Pro - one week on!

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I recently posted that I’d decided to go against the brand I usually upgrade to and upgrade to the iPhone 13 Pro (my very first iPhone upgrade!). 

Coming from Samsung phones for the first time in 20 years isn’t something I’ve taken lightly (I’ve had Samsung phones since the A300 flip phone release in 2001). The long and short of it is that I was tired of compromising with battery life for getting the smaller models, an Ultra is just too big for my clumsy hands, it would be on the floor more than it would be in them 😄


and in general, I’m just bored of the subtle changes to new models, I think the smartphone industry in general has someone stagnated over the past few years, I wanted something fresh. Not that I’m dissing Samsung, all phones have their flaws. I like Samsung a lot, I just fancied a change this time around, mainly due to battery performance above all things.


The iPhone has been a real learning curve for me, everyone says they’re easy - I must be the only person in the world that has found it complicated and confusing. Why aren’t the app settings in each individual app? And why is there no back button? - I swear the amount of times I’ve tried to press it is unreal 😛  and who knew I couldn’t take my WhatsApp chats with me 😞 
Anyway, all of that aside, this phone has impressed me a lot!

The camera is really good, I’ve been able to install the more familiar Google keyboard and the battery life has totally wowed me! On Saturday, I visited Hull. I was using my Camera, Google Maps, iMessage, WhatsApp, Instagram & Facebook quite heavily throughout the day. My phone came off charge at 8am and still had 60% battery at 9pm! If that had been any of my previous Samsung flagship phones, it would’ve been dead long before that time after such heavy use! I love the look of this phone also. It looks and feels very premium!

After initial humming and hawing, I’ve decided to keep this phone as it’s doing exactly what I wanted it to do, the battery lasts and it’s something new! I’ve ordered myself an Apple Watch SE as my Galaxy Watch Active 2 keeps overheating and switching off. I’ll keep you posted on my thoughts on this.



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Thanks for leaving a review/feedback about the phone, @Oxygen87! You may have to change your username 😉😂.


I'm the same as you, just the other way round. I've used iPhones exclusively but am always tempted to upgrade to an Android phone instead. The Google Pixels always catch my eye. My iPhone SE is still running fine for now, though, just the battery has gotten worse after a few years of use. I also have an Apple Watch, which works perfectly, but I don't think I use it enough to get its true value! Sometimes it's down to the user (aka me) and not the device 😆. Hope you like yours!

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Oh @Oxygen87 you've left the Android Army and gone over to the Dark Side. 😂😂

Seriously though, you must love a challenge and pleased it's worked out for you.

No chance in me joining you at any time. At my age I struggle with 'new tech' so it wouldn't be worth it.

I'm happy with my Note 10

Anyway, thanks for your mini review. It made for an interesting read 😉

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Haha I wouldn’t even know how to change my username on here 😂

I say go for it! Android is a great platform and I’m never going to say otherwise but I’ve got to admit that I hate ‘vanilla Android’ that comes with Pixel phones. For me, Samsung always get everything spot on with Android. I just love their UI but I know that a lot of people really enjoy the UI that Google issue as standard so I’m not about to put you off that.


My other half has an iPhone 6S and I really need to eradicate that by the end of the year! So far my attempts have failed 😂 I think the SE is newer than that isn’t it? 

I’m really loving my Apple Watch but if you switch to Android, there’s loads of watches that actually look like your typical watch that are compatible with Google Wear, it seems to have a lot of options to choose from!






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Good review, @Oxygen87 - but I have resisted the iPhone crowd for 20+ years, not likely to start now...

And WhatsApp, even if backed-up using WhatsApp's own in-app backup, leaves your conversations behind? So nice of them, not!

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I probably never buy an iPhone alas have been thinking about an iPad due to software availability of certain  image programs  

Level 13: Prompter
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I was thinking that I’d like an iPad mini for travel. I would still keep my main big tablet as Samsung though. 

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What are you thinking now in regards to the iPhone, @Oxygen87? As it has been a few more weeks 😁.