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Microsoft Lumia 640LTE camera Review - by an Android user (Try The Tech) - Part 2

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And so it continues...


                    ... with some photographs


On my first night with the phone, I took it out for a walk, set the band to track a "run" and headed off into the dark.  Which became dark and raining.  Ah well, you can't win them all.  Photos here, notes on the run later.


I also had my Nexus, so I took pictures at similar places to see how the low light photography worked on each.  It was a particularly black night, so I'm delighted that the beautiful cathedral in Durham is illuminated.  The following photos all have the Lumia 640 LTE on the left / first, and the Nexus 5 on the right.  I used the Lumia camera on the 640, with rich setting, and the Google camera in HDR mode on the Nexus 5.


First off, the cathedral from Kingsgate Bridge.  I hadn't realised till putting them side by side that they are set for different screen formats.  The 640 is truer to the real silver colour with which the Cathedral is lit.

WP_20151012_19_43_50_Pro.jpg2015-10-12 19.44.48.jpg

WP_20151012_19_48_53_Rich.jpg2015-10-12 19.49.25.jpg

WP_20151012_19_50_06_Rich.jpg2015-10-12 19.49.47.jpg



The Lumia 640 shot this at F2.2 and 1/10.8 secs at ISO 1000; the Nexus 5 F2.4 and 1/10 secs at ISO 821.  I have put the EXIF information next to each for interest.



Filename - WP_20151012_19_53_16_Rich.jpg
Make - Microsoft
Model - Lumia 640 LTE
XResolution - 72
YResolution - 72
ResolutionUnit - Inch
Software - Windows Phone
YCbCrPositioning - Centered
ExifOffset - 2248
ExposureTime - 1/10.8 seconds
FNumber - 2.20
ISOSpeedRatings - 1000
ExifVersion - 0220
DateTimeOriginal - 2015:10:12 19:53:17
DateTimeDigitized - 2015:10:12 19:53:17
ComponentsConfiguration - YCbCr
ShutterSpeedValue - 1/11 seconds
ApertureValue - F 2.20
ExposureBiasValue - 0.00
MeteringMode - Average
LightSource - Auto
Flash - Flash not fired, compulsory flash mode
FocalLength - 2.95 mm
SubsecTimeOriginal - 910
SubsecTimeDigitized - 910
FlashPixVersion - 0100
ColorSpace - sRGB
ExifImageWidth - 3264
ExifImageHeight - 1840
ExposureMode - Auto
White Balance - Auto
DigitalZoomRatio - 0.00 x
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm - 30 mm
SceneCaptureType - Standard

GPS information: - 

Maker Note (Vendor): - 



2015-10-12 19.53.56.jpg


Filename - 2015-10-12 19.53.56.jpg
Software - HDR+ 1.0.86512597
Orientation - Top left
ImageWidth - 2368
Model - Nexus 5
DateTime - 2015:10:12 19:53:56
ImageLength - 3200
ExifOffset - 232
YCbCrPositioning - Centered
YResolution - 72
ResolutionUnit - Inch
XResolution - 72
Make - LGE
DateTimeDigitized - 2015:10:12 19:53:56
DateTimeOriginal - 2015:10:12 19:53:56
ExifVersion - 0210
ExposureTime - 1/10.0 seconds
ISOSpeedRatings - 821
SceneType - A directly photographed image
ComponentsConfiguration - YCbCr
FNumber - 2.40
SensingMethod - One-chip color area sensor
ExposureProgram - Normal program
ApertureValue - F 2.40
SubjectDistanceRange - Unknown
ShutterSpeedValue - 1/10 seconds
SubjectDistance - 0 m
Saturation - Normal
ColorSpace - sRGB
Contrast - Normal
FlashPixVersion - 0100
MeteringMode - Center weighted average
ExifImageHeight - 3200
MaxApertureValue - F 2.40
ExifImageWidth - 2368
Sharpness - Normal
FocalLength - 3.97 mm
DigitalZoomRatio - 1 x
Flash - Flash not fired, compulsory flash mode
SceneCaptureType - Standard
CustomRendered - Custom process
ExposureMode - Auto

GPS information: - 
GPSImgDirection - 152
GPSImgDirectionRef - Magnetic direction

Maker Note (Vendor): - 

Thumbnail: - 
Compression - 6 (JPG)
Orientation - Top left
ImageWidth - 144
ImageLength - 192
JpegIFOffset - 1869
JpegIFByteCount - 4990
YResolution - 72
ResolutionUnit - Inch
XResolution - 72


Detail of the above two cropped to view the same part of the building.  It is clear that there is more detail in the Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE using the Lumia camera.  BUT - they are slightly different focal lengths...





Nexus 5

2015-10-12 19.53.56_CROP.jpg


If I do a 100% crop, there is a difference in what is "in picture".  I've had a look at the EXIF information from each photo.  The 640 has a 2.95mm focal length on a 1/4" sensor (28mm equivalent) compared to the Nexus 3.97mm on a 1/3.2" sensor (equivalent 30.4mm) - quite a difference.  Equivalences and sensor size obtained from phonearena

Personally I do not like the hugely wide angle lenses that are now coming out on cameras.  OK for the selfie one (whcih I have not yet used on any camera) but please can I have between 35mm and 50mm equivalent  for my main camera?


WP_20151012_19_53_16_Rich- 100 percent crop.jpg2015-10-12 19.53.56-100 percent crop.jpg


Result - win for the Lumia 640 in low light.



On Wednesday I visited Thorp Perrow Arboretum, near Richmond, where there were some lovely autumn colours

WP_20151014_11_26_16_Pro.jpgF2.2, ISO 64, 1/158.9 secs

2015-10-14 11.25.54smaller.jpgF2.4, ISO 100, 1/803 secs

I feel the colours are richer on the Nexus, but there is a difference in the brightness and the way that the shadows are lost on the Nexus, so it may be that with a little fiddling of exposure, the images would be very similar.  There actually seems to be more detail in the centre of the photo from the Nexus too, whcih is surprising.  However, it loses out at the edges, particularly the grass at the bottom right - it is only 8MP rather than 13MP.


If you found this useful you can also read the review for Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE and Microsoft Band 1 (Try the Tech) Part 1

Or the Microsoft Band One & MS Health Review - by an Android user (Try The Tech) Part 3

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