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My O2 App guide

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Given the number of updates and new features on the My O2 app, it seemed appropriate to get a new guide to all the different features and functions. Which will no doubt be out of date as soon as it is published...

For now though, here is a quick list of all the different things that you can do along with a short description. Some pictures are included, others to follow.  


Please note, this will expand to show other sections later but for now is for a pay monthly account on an Android device.



  1. What's on the Home page?
  2. How do I see my allowances?
  3. How can I view my Bolt-ons?
  4. How do I see my bill info?
  5. Change your payment details



When you open the app, it will ask you for a PIN or for a finger/thumb print depending on what security you have on your device (as I don't have a fingerprint scanner it asks for a PIN).

Once you have entered this, you are presented with the main screen.

Across the top there are four tabs (Home, Allowances, Bolt Ons and Bills), as well as a Menu (three horizontal lines like this:  Ξ )

Screenshot_20**bleep**-**bleep** enter pin.png









What's on the Home page?

The Home tab gives a summary from the allowances and bills sections:

  • amount of data left
  • any recent charges
  • what the last bill was for
  • when the next bill is due,

as well as a link to upgrade options and details about the device the app is installed on.

From there you can either go directly to the section you are after, or go through the tabs.

For example if you choose the remaining data section it shows you how much is left for the current period, and gives you options to see your historic usage and get more data through bolt ons.


Please note: The below images show a standard tariff and not a Refresh tariff. 


Screen Shot 20**bleep** at 12.52.20.png


If you chose the recent charges section it would show you how much you have spent since your last bill on the different ways to incur charges (calls, texts, MMS, etc).

The services section shows the details of your current device (IMEI and PUK code), and has a link to unlock your device to allow other network SIM cards to be used. (This last is useful if you are going abroad and want to use a local SIM/network rather than an o2 partner.)

Please note, I have removed most of my IMEI and PUK codes for security but left part to show you where it would be.


Screenshot_20**bleep**-**bleep** services details 1.jpg

Screenshot_20**bleep**-**bleep** home recent charges 1.png

















How do I see my allowances?

The allowances tab shows you what is

included in your tariff. It lists the data, minutes and texts for your tariff, as well as the cost for the tariff itself.

If you then choose your tariff, it shows you what is included, how long you're contract is for and when you are due for a renewal (I believe, as I am on a standard 24-month deal).


Screen Shot 20**bleep** at 13.58.26.png



How can I view my Bolt-ons?



The bolt on's section of the My o2 shows if you have any extras attached to your account. For example, the Tu bolt on means that Tu is set up on your account (but you will need the app to use it).


They are used to add something extra to your normal monthly allowance - either in the form of data, or some media (picture) messages.


Data comes in different sizes from 100Mb to 12Gb, while the MMS allowance is for 50 messages. Depending on what you are after the charge will vary.


Other bolt on's can include O2 Travel, or International Calling.
What is available depends on what tariff you are on and what is already added.




How do I see my bill info?


Screenshot_20**bleep**-**bleep** home menu 2.png

Screenshot_20**bleep**-**bleep** bills 1.png

The bills section outlines the most recent bill, allows you to make a payment towards the bill and view previous bills.


The menu has options to take you to different o2 services, from the status checker to your contact preferences and also here at the Community.


The most current bill is also shown in much greater detail - it lists every single call or text made within that bill period (or bill cycle), regardless of it is is a chargeable item or not. It also shows how much data was used each day.


The details are found by clicking on the item that you want - minutes shows you calls, messages shows you texts and data shows you data.


Below are the two options for minutes. You can choose to show the calls as the number, or (if saved) the contact. This is controlled through the switch at the bottom of the screen. The only slight downside is that it does not show how long you were on the phone for, just the cost. If you need this detail then you need to use the website version of My o2. However on there you do not get the option to view numbers of contacts.




You get the same option for messages, as below.




With the data usage breakdown, there are no options as it just shows the day and the amount of data used.





Change your payment details


A recently added feature is the ability to change your direct debit (DD) details, i.e., the sort code and account number your payment(s) come out of.

With security in mind, o2 have added another level - the number on the account will be sent a text with a code that needs to be entered before you can see your current details or make changes. A sensible approach I am sure you will agree...

To do all this, first select the 3 lines in the top left of the screen to open then main menu which displays as below:



The next screen gives you options about editing your payment details (sort code and account number), making a card payment, changing your billing address, and when your last bill was issued and when the payment is due.


1first screen.gif


If you choose to view or change your details, this is when o2 will send you a code. The entry screen is below.


2text code.gif


The next screen shows your current payment options.


3current dets.gif


You can then amend the payment details. Note - this does not include the name on the account. To change this you need to call customer services.


4new dets.gif


Once you enter you details you then save changes (further down on the above screen). It also warns that new details will only be used once 7 WORKING days have passed. If your current bill comes out before then it will still use the old account.


5confirm new dets.gif




That is a quick guide to the android app. Layout on other devices (especially across iOS and Windows) will change how the app looks and works.


The website version of My o2 has more functions such as changing your payment details or your billing address, any offers o2 has for you and viewing previous orders. I will look at creating a similar guide for the web page as I have the Android app in the near future.


If anyone has any suggestions for this (or the web version) let me know so I can update/include them.



Helpful links:


Not applicable
Hi gmarkj, I realise the info. you give is for Android and that, because I have an iPhone, the layout is different. So I have a couple of questions:- 1 Is there a set of images I can look at, to familiarise myself with the layout in MyO2 for the iPhone? 2 Is there any way that I can view how many Megabytes of data I've got? I know how to see what my Current Balance is, with an option to Top Up, but all there there is to look at is a tiny car type 'speed dial' image which is rather pathetic. A more visual image (such as my Megabytes remaining) would be far better. Also, it is very annoying to have to turn off my home WiFi just to sign in and this is obviously using up a lot of my data. I apologise for this long post but I've recently transferred in from another supplier.
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Access to your MyO2 is data free, ie it doesn't come from your allowance. 

Not applicable
Hi M15, Thank you, I understand that, once I've managed to sign in, it's free.  But my query is that, to actually Sign In, it tells me to turn of my home wifi.  This can be the only reason that my allowance is going down.  The reason I like to look in my o2 account from time to time is to check my allowance level. Regards, Uncle Trev.
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No mate, it's so it can verify your identity from your sim.

Anyone could be logging in on WiFi.

Not applicable
OK. Then because I've not been using my allowance on calls or texts, what's using up my allowance? I've only ever tried to sign in to simply look at my account, to see what the situation is with my remaining data, what can be using it up? I've only ever looked into my account when I'm at home (with my WiFi switched back on) so the data must be getting used up some other way. When I try to sign in with my WiFi on I always get the following message:- 'We can't sign you in at the moment If you've recently changed your password and username (which I haven't) or have linked accounts (?), make sure you're signing in with the correct information. You can then set your pin. My O2 home screen hasn't got a pin setting window! Maybe I don't know how to do it but, either way, it just shouldn't be so difficult to simply sign in. How can I get help with this extremely complicated software?
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Download the latest version on the app

From your description of issues it doesn't sound like you have the latest or correct app.

It really is just very simple once you have.

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Hi @Anonymous

Not sure if there are standard images of the apps on the different OS' - they would be out of date every time they do an upgrade.

If you need help with it then perhaps a visit to a store might be an idea?

On the Android version there is a dial that goes down as you use the data allowance.

Are you on Pay as You Go or a contract? That could also affect what you can see.

If your allowance is going down, could any other apps also be using it? Facebook, twitter, iTunes, etc could all be updating/downloading in the background.

I have never used the iOS version so not sure but I know MI5 has some experience of it.

Good luck and hope that is of some help!

Not applicable
OK. I'm not really bothered about images (which probably are on on the Android version). Hi gmarkj, My BIG, BIG problem is that I just cannot access my O2 account unless I turn off my WiFi, and then it uses up my Data Allowance. It's impossible to get in to it if my WiFi is turned on. Surely I should be able to sign in with the WiFi on? I don't use Facebook or Twitter and I ONLY ever get involved with iTunes on my desk top iMac - never on my iPhone. There is definitely a problem with my account because it either tells me my email address is unknown or something like 'there are no items linked to this account'! I think it's all to do with my setting it all up, so I wonder if I could UN-install the account and start from the beginning?
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Sounds very strange @Anonymous.

Yes you should be able to sign in over both WiFi and data. Sorry to repeat, but are you on contract or pay as you go?

It sounds very much like an account issue - ie, the email/password you are trying to log in with are not being recognised with your account.

I think that the only way forward to is contact o2 to get them to check what details they have and reset your account - or check your details when logged in via data.

If you have the correct email address but cannot sign in on WiFi then it is definitely your password.

Have you ever logged in on your Mac and checked your account?

Not applicable
I'm on pay as you go. Yes, the problem is with the fact that, after I've successfully Re-registered, the next time I click on the desk icon it's back to needing to re-register again!
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How strange. 

What version of the iPhone do you have, what version of iOS is it on and are you on the latest version of the app? 

Those would be the next things to check.

Not applicable
I have an iPhone 5s and I've got the latest, iOS 10.2 and it states 'Your software is up to date.
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Need Help: I'm on Bussiness account - and I can log in to o2 site and see my profile, but when I try to login by o2 app the message is: this account does not exist. Whats wrong?
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Specific account problems need to be solved by customer service on 8002. 

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I am not sure the main My o2 app works for business accounts.

@Martin-O2 can you confirm if it does/does not work please?

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Sure no problem @gmarkj I'll find out! 

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@gmarkj, @Anonymous There is a business account version of My O2 you can use. Full details of this service can be found here


Any questions please ask smiling

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 Thanks for the update @Martin-O2.

So there is no app like for consumer/retail customers, just the website?

Might be why the app didn't like your details @Anonymous!!

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Thats correct @gmarkj it's an online service and not currently available as an app. 

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Not applicable

Hi Guys

I am new to the community.

I am on a PAYG plan, and I also have a 2GB bolt on- the observations below are obviously made from that viewpoint (Could it be useful for contract users?)


I have been a O2 member all of my phone owning life and I thought I would do my bit to inprove the MyO2 app.


- I feel that the MyO2 app should have a cover page: when you click on the app it should show a cover page, BEFORE you are asked to enter your PIN to enter the MYO2 app.


This cover page should- 


  •  show how much data you have left (so you don't have to enter your PIN in a public/insecure environment)
  •  show your current £ balance/ how much spent this month
  • Possibly.. a data trend usage indicator..'based on current data/money usage you will run out on X day' (as measured by O2)


Just thought that these points may be useful for O2 app developers, and wondered what the wider community thought....

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@gmarkj@Martin-O2Just bringing the above post by @Anonymous to your attention wink

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Hi @Anonymous, welcome to the community!

Not sure I agree with you about all of the info you are suggesting on the landing page.

The information about remaining balance and/or how long it will last based on current usage, but I would not want any financial information on there.

However most phones now do that if you set them up (data wise) and there are also apps that can do this.

Personally I use an app called 3G Watchdog. It allows you to enter your monthly allowance and the date it starts again. This means it can show how much you have used and will predict either how much will be left at the end of the period or when it will run out.

As mentioned, this is on Android so not sure on Windows/iOS.