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All Pleiades's Badges

Pleiades has earned 12 badges!
  • Topic starter
    Topic starter
    Earned by 75,153
    Thanks for posting your first topic on the community!
  • First Words
    First Words
    Earned by 33,217
    You've made your first reply. Thanks for taking part!
  • Kool
    Earned by 8,167
    Someone liked your post and has awarded you a Kudos! Great job!
  • One Year Anniversary
    One Year Anniversary
    Earned by 53,286
    Congratulations on your one year anniversary!
  • Let's be friends
    Let's be friends
    Earned by 3,692,685
    Thanks for adding your name to your profile. Only a few more steps and your profile is complete.
  • Conversationalist
    Earned by 524
    You've reached 5 topics! Thanks for your contribution.
  • Familiar Face
    Familiar Face
    Earned by 1,185
    10 replies! It's great to have you taking part in conversations!
  • Two Year Anniversary
    Two Year Anniversary
    Earned by 35,390
    Congratulations on your two year anniversary!
  • Feature Writer
    Feature Writer
    Earned by 201
    Great job! You've posted 10 topics on the community. Thanks for getting involved.
  • Keep the Conversation Going
    Keep the Conversation Going
    Earned by 439
    You're up to 25 replies! We really appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
  • Three Year Anniversary
    Three Year Anniversary
    Earned by 26,424
    Congratulations on your three year anniversary!
  • Looking Sharp
    Looking Sharp
    Earned by 1,276
    You've added a face to the name! Thank you for uploading a profile picture.