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Appalling Mobile Data in Manchester and Surrounding Areas

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I have been with O2 for years and have a year left on my contract but it has always been so so bad for data and lately even worse. It is so bad around Manchester that I had to get a PAYG EE sim card for my dual sim phone because O2 is just simply unusable in Manchester and surrounding areas.


I'm wondering if it is possible to get out of the contract somehow seeing as they are not delivering the product and actually costing me £10 a month in PAYG as well as the £30 monthly which I'm not even using. Maybe even a refund as well - what are my options here?


I recently took trips to London and Southampton and O2 was always the worse of the two so I didn't even get to save any data on those trips, seems the issue is not just Manchester.


I'm supposed to get a generous 160GB per month in data - well it's easy to offer a huge amount of data and then just simply not have the infrastructure to deliver it, might as well give me 16000 GB per month I would still only be able to use the same amount - 0 GB. I've already used up my monthly EE Data and it's just a sickener that I have all that unusable data on O2. 


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Absolutely. Amazing coverage. 

Message 11 of 11