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Video guides for your iPhone (iOS6 and under)

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Hi guys,


Our community member Fatboy has made some fantastic iOS video guides. Because they're so helpful, I've collected them all in this thread. Please feel free to use this thread for suggesting topics or adding your own videos. I'll regularly update this post with the latest from the community.


Using your iPhone as a Personal wifi Hotspot aka Tethering

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Enabling smilies / Emoji keyboard

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How to turn off the subject field in messages

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How to "Forget Network" / Wifi connection issues

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How to check how much data you've used

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Using Apple Maps like a SatNav

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 Battery tips

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Message 1 of 45

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Your welcome Alexander slight_smile


I've ran out of ideas for video guides for the time been slight_smile . But if anyone has any ideas/requests for a video guide, then just post a reply and I'll see what I can do. However, some guides I can't make if I cannot censor out private information in the video.

Message 41 of 45

Not applicable

In this video, I show how you can use the mobile data connection of your iPhone, and connect a device to it. In this video, I show how to do this with an iPad, but with any wifi device it should be possible to do this. This process is called tethering or Personal Hotspot.


Message 42 of 45

Not applicable

Leonard, Toby.


Could you please add this latest video to the list of videos on the first post on this thread.


Thanks slight_smile

Message 43 of 45

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Will do Fatboy slight_smile

Nice job


Edit: Scratch that, its already there grin

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Message 44 of 45

Not applicable

Not really a specific iOS 6 guide.


But I thought I would make a guide that showed how you can add your own pictures/photos and use them as wallpapers on your iPhone.



1: Create a folder in a convenient place on your computer, for example, I have a folder in my Pictures folder on my Mac called iPhone Wallpapers, and it's in this folder that I place all the wallpapers I'm wanting to have added onto my iPhone.

2: Load up iTunes on your computer, and then connect your iPhone up, it will then appear down the left handside in the DEVICES section.

After this, follow what I have shown in the screenshots slight_smile












Now any photos/pictures you place in the chosen folder will then be added onto your iPhone when you sync your iPhone in iTunes, also any photos/pictures you delete from your chosen folder will then be removed from your iPhone when you next sync it with iTunes.

To then choose your wallpaper that you would have just added, you would simply go through the process that you would do when you were choosing a wallpaper on your iPhone normally (i.e. Settings/Wallpapers & Brightness). Your new folder that you would have created on your computer, will be listed/shown in Wallpaper section on your iPhone.


Message 45 of 45