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O2 Travel Changes 7/4

Not applicable

Hi All,


I have been usng the free O2 Travel bolt on since 2016 as I travel to European countries quite often. I use it primarily to browse for when wifi is unattainable. I browse and I get charged £1.99 for the day. In terms of of making phone calls and text messages. If I text a UK number whilst in a European country I get charged 4p. So the overall current setup is:


"While travelling in Europe just pay a 50p connection charge to make and receive calls between European countries then talk for free for up to 60 mins. You'll pay just £1.99 for the days you use data in Europe & there’s no upper limit, but traffic management steps apply. £40 monthly spending limit for data outside Europe."


An email has been sent out from O2 stating changes to how O2 travel works. It now states that:


"From 7 th April 2016, we’ll be adding calls and texts sent back to the UK and within O2 Travel destinations, to the data you already get with our O2 Travel Bolt On. This will give you data, up to 120 minutes and 120 standard texts, per daily charge within selected destinations in Europe. With O2 Travel you’ll only be charged for the days that you use it."


My udnerstanding is that from 7/4 if I am in a European country and I text a UK number, rather than being charged 4p like I used to be, I will be charged £1.99.  Is this correct? I appreciate they are saying you can send up to 120 messages and still get charged £1.99 but I never send 120 messages. I usually send just a couple. By this logic, the £1.99  charged that was activated only when you used data, will now also be activated by sending a text message. If I send one text per day for 3 days I will end up paying £5.99? 


Can someone please verify tell me if I have misunderstood the change?


Thank you.


PS: I am not asking to be told about the different options to circumvent sending a text.. I just want to know that I have understood the changes correctly. slight_smile




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@MI5 wrote:
Yeah, winners and losers was my point.
You will lose but I will win.


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 51 of 633

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You have my sympathy tongue
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Message 52 of 633

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I was just talking with one of the O2 advisers asking exactly this question - it seemed to me shocking that a single text could trigger a £1.99 charge and wanted to make sure I had it right. So yes, that's exactly what happens. It's a terrible deal for people who just want to send a few texts and make a single phonecall, which will cost apparently 16.5 p/minute if one opts out of O2 Travel (not included in one's monthly plan) compared with the flat charge of 50p before. This is a very bad deal and I'll personally be writing to complain about it.

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@jonsie wrote:

@MI5 wrote:
You have my sympathy tongue

....are you sure? LOL


Yeah I can feel it oozing from him...Rolleys

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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@jonsie wrote:

@MI5 wrote:
You have my sympathy tongue

....are you sure? LOL


Nah.... Happy Dance

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Er, winners and losers Smiley Surprised.


That would be fine if the 50p calls were now 20p to some folk and 70p to others ...


But someone who has already committed to the £1.99 "data" charge now gets FREE calls whereas the rest of us pay £1.99 for the shortest call.  Even if we opt out of O2 Travel, the standard rate of 16.5p means a relatively short (~10 min) call now costs nearly £2 !


I will look into into WiFi options, but I don't have WiFi everywhere (I'm not always in a coffee shop or restauant).


And I pay for my parents' phones.  They are in their eighties.  If anybody here has tried explain Mobile Data, WiFi, apps, etc,. to people that old then they'll know that it really doesn't work.  They are always terrrified (now it seems righlty !) of triggering a large bill for me.



Message 57 of 633

Not applicable

The logical/possible solution as a poster alluded to earlier would be to create a system whereby you have a maximum amount of text you can send per day before the £1.99 charge is triggered.


Of course, that might be too logical for O2. 



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I would think the only winners would be people who are on business or who need to be in contact with relatives or work all the time. Casual holiday makers who maybe send a text a day really lose out. 

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Everyone uses their phones differently. As I've already said, itbis better for me but I fully understand that it doesn't suit everyone.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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