Thanks to Martin and the team for allowing me the opportunity to do the try the tech on O2's Google Cardboard.
Having tried VR using the Samsung Gear VR I was keen to see how Googles "free" attempt would be.
Lets start off with the packaging, its nice and light, with the instructions printed on the bottom of the box, however, the instructions are far from easy to follow, small pictures make it hard to understand what piece gets folded where. After many minutes of trying to figure it out I tried my luck and took a best guess. Luckily I was right and shortly after I had a completed cardboard viewer.

Its then best to download the cardboard application and run it, it will help you line up the phone on the sticky pad provided.
As part of the application it tries to assist you by asking you to scan a barcode on the viewer to get the right settings, etc. Only problem here is that there is no barcode on the viewer (or packaging).
Once you're all set up you're good to go.
Its an interesteing experience, however no where near as immersive as the gear VR, there is too much white light from the outside of the viewer, along with no ability to keep the viewer attached to your head, still it is able to showcase some interesting concepts. Google street view, Youtube and Jaunt are all apps I can recommend to showcase what VR car do
There is no ability to use any of the buttons with the O2 viewer, so I did find myself having to frequently open the pannel to intereact with my handset.
The good
- Cheap
- Easy to use
- Supports multiple handsets and types (iOS, Android, etc)
The Bad
- Inability to control your phone inside the viewer
- User instructions to built the viewer can be a challenge
- Light leeks from the outside and no ability to strap to your head
- Limited apps available, there is no dedicated applications such as occulous with the Gear VR