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My new contract that was made on 11th November is different with the bill that you made today.

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Dear Sir/Madam


On 11th November I came to oxford street shop and your staff advised me to renew my contract with S24 sumsong Galexy basic and I can get a free tablet.


My contract was explained by one of your staff at that shop for total monthly £33.15 with a free tablet.


There was not explanation for charge of airtime plan for £10.59 and also there was not in my contract . but you charged £10.59 that I do not know what it is for?

Also you are going to charge 6.50 for tablet.


I think your staff said lie and he said the tablet is free.


I agree for monthly payment for this contract £33.15 only not more as He explained to me and also my contract that I get show this amount. 


Today you send the first bill of new contract and you charged 10.59 for airtime plan that I do not know what it is and your staff did not say any thing about this and also it is not in my Contract.


if you want to charge for tablet I do not want this contract and also if you want to charge every months for airtime plan for £10.59, I do not want this contract.


It is not nice that your staff say lie to customers to get new contracts.


 my previous data limit was 100 GB and I can have this and I do not want 150 GB.

Also, I do not accept to charge £6.50 for number for tablet and your staff did not say about this amount at all.



Shahla Zafari  

Message 1 of 20

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You have 14 days to change your mind

Best option is to go back to the store

Looks like you should contact the sales team as they can help with that – message them on Social Media if that works best for you
Or you can call them from 8am to 8pm on 0808 002 0202 or 0800 081 0255
Message 2 of 20

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This is a customer to customer community, not O2, so we cannot access your account, sorry.

You need to contact O2.

Message them on Social Media. Facebook ( , Twitter (X)  ( or Instagram ( or give them a call on 202 or 0344 809 0202

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 3 of 20

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Sounds like the terms for Refresh may have not been made claear to you, @TK4 

Guide: How does O2 Refresh work? 

Also the free tablet may have come with the expectation you would pay a charge for the SIM and data plan component: The Tablet would have been free. It will also be on the receipt as well that there is a monthly charge of the data plan.

You are still within your 14-day cancellation period, if you wish to get back to the shop that sold you the "deal" tomorrow, Sunday, with valid photo ID, @TK4.


Message 4 of 20

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There was not explanation about sim card for tablet and any explanation about monthly payment. Also, it was not explanation about airtime plan and amount of £10. 59


I am not in England and London now to go back to shop and speak with the Person that did such contract without explanation. He told me the total bill monthly will be £33.15

I do not need sim card for tablet and I did not use it and I did not open the pack at all.

if the tablet is free can I have it without sim card?

Also, I do not need to have 150 GB Data , in the previous contract it was 100 GB Data.

I want to have the contract for £33.15 monthly only with S24 basic phone and free tablet only ,not sim card for it.

please let me know as I am not in London by next month .

Kind Regards



Message 5 of 20

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as already explained, you need to speak to O2.

we cannot help here.

Guide: How to find help & contact O2 

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 6 of 20

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can I have the email address of customer service please?

My previous contract was only for sim card I did not have previous device contract with O2.

The staff on 11th November explained there is no charge for upgrade and I can get S24 basic with sim card plan for £33.15 only and he emailed the details to me also that shows this amount only. 

but in the bill there is a charge of £10.59 for air time plan that it was not explained at all and I do not know what it is.


please let me know the email address of customer service or how I can contact to them when I am not in England.


is there wats app chat  with them? what is their number to have chat with customer service about my contract.


Thank you

Message 7 of 20

Level 78: King of Kings
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There is no email support, all the contact details are available in the links provided, so you will need to reach out using those methods..  I will post them here again Guide: How to find help & contact O2 

There is nothing else anyone can do to help you, as this is not customer services...

iPhone 16 Pro Max - o2 and Spusu
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This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
Message 8 of 20

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As it appears from your post that you are not in the UK to return your new contract and purchases to the O2 shop from which you were sold the items, you need, as advised before, to contact customer services.

Use the specific Payment management number  +44 800 902 0217

The opening times are:
Monday to Friday – 8am to 8pm
Saturday – 8am to 6pm
Sunday – 9am to 6pm

Download Skype to call the free number

Guide: A Guide to Skype 

or use the social media links given in the guide already shared, linked again below

Guide: How to find help & contact O2 

Good luck @TK4 

Message 9 of 20

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You need to act quickly as you only have until tomorrow to cancel without charges.

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 10 of 20