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Porting & O2 Customer Services

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I had a spare number with EE on a SIMO that I don't use. I didn't want to lose the number, as it's very memorable, so I decided to port it over to O2 on a contract I use.
The port was due to take place today, the port order on my O2 account was completed but the old line is still active in and outbound calls which is unusual. Contacted O2 on Instagram to query what was going on and was told that it would take up to 18:00, if it hasn't happened by then to get back in contact and they'll look into it. 18:00 comes and goes so I call up and speak to someone who tells me because I provided the PAC after 09:00 that the port won't complete until tomorrow (Saturday). I think we all know ports do not complete on a Saturday, she then spends time reading through the porting article on the knowledge bank (out loud). Ultimately, I gave up and hung up, having spent 40 minutes talking to someone who didn't have a clue.
Called back a bit later and went through to someone who told me that the port had been completed and that the line was working, not entirely sure why he thought I would call up if the line was working but there you go. He keeps putting me on mute without notice and then eventually cuts me off. He then called me back on the number I was porting into O2 and told me, well it is working because I have called you on it... at this point, I explained to him 3-times that the EE SIM is still active and the port although showing as completed hasn't gone through, he then hangs up on me.
Called straight back and spoke to someone who is insisting that the port has been completed and I don't know what I am talking about, she then told me that I gave the PAC later in the day and that's why it's not worked and it will complete on Monday. I sign-posted her to the O2 website, specifically the bit about porting it should have been completed today. She tells me there's nothing more she can do and then the call goes silent, I assume she muted me and then the call magically disconnected.
I called back for a final time and spoke to someone on the complaints option who told me that the port was completed. I pointed out the second order on the account showing as processing, to which he indicated it didn't look right and could be stuck. He said there was nothing he could do, the back office team wouldn't look at it until 24 hours had passed. I asked to speak to a manager but allegedly there isn't one available. He then agrees with me that it doesn't look right and the port probably hasn't gone right. He agrees to open a ticket for the back office team who will pick it up within 48 working hours... So in 4 days! I asked how I would know if they were working on the ticket and there was a resolution? He tells me nobody will call me back, and I'll have to keep checking the SIM and restarting the phone.
Has anyone on here had experience of this kind of thing happening before? If the port fails, can they reverse it and reinstate the original number?
I remember when O2 used to win awards for their customer service. It's mad to me how hard it is to deal with them and get someone with any real knowledge.

They're all just reading off scripts and can't deviate from them.
I wish I'd left the number with EE.

iPhone 16 Pro Max (EE/Vodafone)
Samsung S24 Ultra (O2/Three)
Message 1 of 20

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And unfortunately we can't do anything on this customer to customer Community.

Nothing is going to happen now until  Monday as porting teams don't operate Saturday and Sunday.

O2 do seem rather tardy on moving numbers to say the least

This is not O2 and we are all customers here similar to yourself and cannot answer account type queries.
Message 2 of 20

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A ticket has been opened for me over a week ago and nothing resolves as of yet.


The old EE SIM has now died and the 'new' SIM is still dead which is helpful. I got an SMS on Friday to say they're sorry but my port has been delayed and should be resolved soon.


Social Media team takes at least a day to respond to message which is great too.

iPhone 16 Pro Max (EE/Vodafone)
Samsung S24 Ultra (O2/Three)
Message 3 of 20

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21-days in and I'm still being told no update yet and I should carry on waiting.


Emailed the CEOs office but no response, I've messaged on Instagram and they're not responding, I've called a few times and been told there's no update.


If I stopped paying my bill they'd be calling me non-stop and impacting my credit file, yet they're completely unresponsive and are not providing me a service.



[Mod edit: Image rejected due to it containing personal information.]

iPhone 16 Pro Max (EE/Vodafone)
Samsung S24 Ultra (O2/Three)
Message 4 of 20

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Aside from my first name there was no personal information on that picture. 

The only thing it did was show O2 not responding to messages on Instagram. 

iPhone 16 Pro Max (EE/Vodafone)
Samsung S24 Ultra (O2/Three)
Message 5 of 20

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Seems a long term problem with O2. 

In the first 3 months on here I realised I was better off transferring my long held personal number elsewhere.

That process happened in just over 24 hours!

This is not O2 and we are all customers here similar to yourself and cannot answer account type queries.
Message 6 of 20

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I just called up and was told the first time the back office accessed the Halo ticket was the 4th of this month despite it being open since the 17th but there has been no action that they can see on it.


There is a complaint open with the exec complaints team which they can see but it has not been assigned to anyone yet, open for 19 days.


Then when you post a screenshot of the messages sent to the Social Media team you're told you've shared personal data which is not true.


The incompetence is outstanding!  

iPhone 16 Pro Max (EE/Vodafone)
Samsung S24 Ultra (O2/Three)
Message 7 of 20

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@garetc wrote:

The incompetence is outstanding!  

Stick around. There's lots more to come...

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 8 of 20

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I've just started the process of porting a number out of O2

I'm kinda thinking O2 will somehow stuff it up

Oh btw there have been many instances of posts which show screenshots such as yours being modified. Most probably breaks some sort of forum unwritten t&c, I saw the screenshot before it was censored and there was nothing apart from you being ignored @garetc 

Message 9 of 20

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The losing provider can't really stuff up a port fortunately, it's only the gaining where things go wrong.


Last screenshot I posted that was removed was a screenshot from O2's Twitter team being utterly useless again. In the end one of the mods got involved and it got resolved but that doesn't really happen much anymore.


I miss the old community managers who actually helped customers when there was a complicated ticket. Things like split ports or complex billing issues were resolved because they knew exactly what to do or who to speak with.


Now we're left with poorly trained agents in the outsource following a script, if anything is more complicated than what they can see on your screen you're doomed.

iPhone 16 Pro Max (EE/Vodafone)
Samsung S24 Ultra (O2/Three)
Message 10 of 20