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How to speak to someone that can actually help at customer services

Level 1: Joiner
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I’ve had a PAYG O2 contract that I use as an emergency phone. I thought I’d lost the phone so called customer services to get a replacement sim. The first guy at the call centre in India I spoke to tried to hard sell me a contract…even though he understood the issue, he was pressure selling me a contract and in the end I had to hang up as I wasn’t getting anywhere. Next time round, I managed to speak to someone that helped and sent out a new sim card which I have received. In between all of this I found the phone/old sim, but they have now disconnected the old sim. Problem is…the new sim doesn’t work either! I phoned them back and gave them the new sims SSN but the sim still does not connect to the network. I have tried going into an O2 store, but they apparently don’t deal with PAYG any more and we must go through the call centre.


Firstly, I’m absolutely shocked at O2 customer services…the first guy, trying to pressure sell a contract instead of helping an already-O2 customer…I’ve never experienced anything like this from any company I’m a customer of! Secondly, the agents in India seem to take forever to deal with things…any issue results in them putting you on hold for long periods whilst they “fill out a form”.


With that off my chest…anyone know how to get this sorted as I seem to be at an utter dead end…I’ve wasted so much time on this, I’m about to bin the non-working sim even though it has £15 credit on it. 

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We’re just customers like you but it sounds like you’ll need someone to access your account which can’t be done from here. If you message O2 on Facebook ( , Twitter ( or Instagram ( , they should be able to help you with this

Guide: How to find help & contact O2 

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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