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Clear Vision Communications

Level 1: Joiner
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My wife's phone was on O2 and had mysteriously been ported across to "Symphony Communications", and while the new provider had provided O2 access, this got cut off due to a £20 allowance being exceeded while travelling abroad at one point. We had no idea that the O2 account had gone until emails were received from Giacom, and we saw debits from a bank account, not from O2 but from "Clearvisionmobil". On further payment from us, the phone service was resumed, but thus was a significant downgrade in network performance compared to what O2 had offered before.


Somehow, my wife's phone account has been hacked. We didn't know anything about the port to Symphony / Clear Vision and we are anxious to get the phone-number back on O2.


I have tried to get the PAC code automatically from Clear Vision by texting "PAC" to "65075" on my wife's phone, but we received no answer.


I called Ofcom to ask about Clear Vision and they say they are a "reseller for O2".


I have called Clear Vision anonymously, and there is someone there to answer the phone.


The phone service was very good from O2.

Not happy my wife's number has been moved seemingly onto a phone service which is not as good as O2.


Has anyone had experience with this? Can anyone offer some helpful advice as to how I can get Clear Vision to give me a PAC code, and stop taking money from our bank, so my wife can get her account back to O2?


Many thanks in advance.


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Level 78: King of Kings
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You will need to go through the complaints process with Clear Vision communications and prove that you where indeed hacked as they cant port a number without having access to your account, so at some point someone has given them access.. 

Did your wife receive a cold call and asked to provide a OTP?? 


All the details can be found here on Clear Vision, as you are no longer a direct customer of o2 they wont be able to help you..




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This is not customer services and we dont have access to your account
I do not work for o2 or any VMo2 /Telefonica/Liberty Global Company
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