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How to get custom repeat options in Calender events on iPhone

Not applicable

When you create a Calender event in the Calenders app on the iPhone. You have the following repeat options for an event.


None, every day, every week, every 2 weeks, every month, every year.


But what happens if you want an event to repeat on say the first Wednesday of the month, or perhaps an event you want to repeat every 3 days. Well with the below instructions you will be able to set a custom repeat option slight_smile


1: On your computer, go to


Once you are there, you will be prompted to log in. See the below picture:


icoud 1.jpg


Log in with the same Apple ID as you have on your iPhone.


2: Once logged in you will be shown this screen:


icloud 2.jpg


3: Next click on the Calender icon.


4: After you have done this you will see this screen:


icloud 3.jpg



5: Double click on a date square (basically the date you want the event to start).


6: After you have double clicked on a date square, you will see this little window appear:


icloud 4.jpg


7: Fill in the required details, title, from date & time etc. Now a little further down you will see Repeat and to the right of it you will see a little box which has arrows pointing up & down:


repeat 1.jpg



8: Next click on the Repeat box that I've shown highlighted in the above picture. You will then see the following:


repeat 2.jpg


9: On the little drop down menu that has appeared, on it will be the following. None, every day, every week, every month, every year, custom. For this guide we need to choose CUSTOM.



10: After clicking on the CUSTOM option. You will see the following, for the custom daily option:




Note in the Every ---- day(s) section, how its now possible to specify the number of days for when the event will repeat again. 





In the next example for the custom weekly repeat. Note how its now possible to specify the number of weeks for when the event will repeat again. And also, its now possible to specify the day of the week for when you want the event to repeat on.








In the next example for the custom monthly repeat. Note how its now possible to specify the number of months to pass for when you want the event to repeat again. Also its now possible to specify the date of the month for the event to repeat on. Also you can specify for example that you wanted the event to repeat on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sunday (or any other day for that matter) for when you want the event to repeat on.








In this last example, which is for the custom yearly repeat. 


Its possible to specify the amount of years to pass until the event is repeated, the month of the year for when the event will repeat again, and also the ability to specify either the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sunday (or any other day for that matter) for when the event will repeat on.






Has you can see now, you have much more choice in the repeat duration. The only down side is, it is only possible to use the custom repeat options that I've mentioned, whilst on your computer and on your web browser. It isn't possible to access these custom repeat options from within the Calender app on the iPhone, for example when you are creating a new event. Basically if you wanted to create a new event and the repeat options in the Calender app weren't suitable, you would then have to go to on your computer's web browser and create the event in there and from there specify the custom repeat events of your choice.


Perhaps in the future Apple will provide access to these custom options in the Calender app.


Hope this guide is helpful to some slight_smile

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Level 44: Clearly Talented
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Bravo:) I love it:)
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Level 69: Guiding Light
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Very good clear tutorial. slight_smile

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Level 21: Regular
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Very handy to know. I recently needed to create a quarterly repeat on my calendar and ended up having to work round it by creating four annual repeats instead on the phone. Least I know there is another way now
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  • 11577 Posts
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This is fantastic Fatboy.

We'll have to collate all of your guides soon wink
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