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Cannot get 4G on iPhone SE

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So, this has been ongoing for such a long time now. And I see a lot of people with a similar issue.

Originally I had an iPhone 5C and I could get 4G. I changed tariff to "O2 Sim Only Unlimited 12M 10GB", received a new 'updated' SIM card and I've never had 4G again.

I went to O2 and they changed my SIM but still no 4G. Then I was told, once I went back again, that due to changes the iPhone 5C can't get 4G anymore (coincidentally coinciding with many communications about how I can upgrade my phone, etc. etc......).


Anyway, recently I bought an iPhone SE which, according to the O2 website, can receive 4G. But I still don't.




--As far as I can tell my tariff is 4G

--4G is enabled in my phone settings (Data roaming isn't but doesn't affect anything when on)

--I am in a 4G area (Oxford)

--I have checked and it is working (this issue has been going on for months anyway)

--I have gone through the O2 4G set up, multiple times over the months. I also did this today and it keeps bringing up an error at the end (error 500)

--My phone is about 3 months old now (not new)

--I have reset my network settings

--I have manually changed my network settings to:



Username : vertigo

Password : password

Visual Voicemail  (PAYG : n/a)


Username : vertigo

Password : password


(voicemail and MMS are set to the same--although my MMS Proxy is


--Also when I reset my settings they didn't actually change and stayed as the above.


Can anyone please help? The people in the store have no idea and I'd rather not have to sit on the phone and explain this while someone asks me to reset my phone over and over again (I would have liked to email this problem + information but O2 don't seem to allow that, which is annoying quite frankly). And honestly, at this point I'm really fed up.

Message 1 of 7

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The problem is that you don’t have idata on your account.
You data package is standard data.
You can either change your apn to or call customer service and ask them to change you onto idata.

if you use Mobile as your apn, visual voicemail won’t work though. 

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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View solution in original post

Message 3 of 7

Not applicable

@Steven88 You need to contact customer service & maybe get them to reset your account & re enable 4G

Message 2 of 7

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The problem is that you don’t have idata on your account.
You data package is standard data.
You can either change your apn to or call customer service and ask them to change you onto idata.

if you use Mobile as your apn, visual voicemail won’t work though. 

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 3 of 7

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Yet another classic tariff change resetting to either the  BB or Android data bolt on. Why do they not fix something as simple as this  when we Go to the trouble of feeding this back so many times?


Message 4 of 7

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Hey @Steven88, sorry to hear your 4G is not working. 😞 Please do take a look at the advice given above by our members. It would be great to hear back from you whether these worked with your 4G issue or if you're still stuck?

Message 5 of 7

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Hi folks,


First of all, thank you for all of your responses, this was extremely helpful.

Secondly, apologies for my delay in addressing this thread, I was in my final year of uni and it was insanely intense.


So, I ended up going to my nearest O2 store (this will be the third time) and this time I get served by a lady who does way more than throw new SIM cards at me.

She tells me that my data was not 4G enabled and even she's a bit quiet about this so I think we both know something/someone hasn't done what they were supposed to do.

Anyway, she tells me I'll need to change my SIM only package for her to enable 4G. She tries to sell me the next package up but I don't want to spend more money. She realises this and then tells me that I can basically have the package I have now, for the money I'm spending, but it's got 2GB more data.


So, I accept the package and I had 4G before she even handed my phone back to me.


Thank you O2 lady, you did what 3 people ago should have done and you also got me 2GB extra data for free.


This was like a 12 month process though and it just should NOT have been.


O2.. listen to your customers.. this has been going on for YEARS. iPhone = iData.

Message 6 of 7

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Glad you got sorted and hope your exams went ok too.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 7 of 7