I just bought a 59gig data chip. It's fircuse in my router to provide
internet for my house. It seems to have unlimited calls and texts. How
can these be accessed via my router?
Speed dies not particularly matter. It's reliability of service and
actually getting a signal inside my house. The other night I had to
stand outside in 4 degree heat to make a phone call using Three. I could
not log into the O2 network. But it was t...
Thanks for that. I am with Three at the moment, and get unlimited
everything on a Pay Monthly contract, includung a free modem for £18.a
month. The problem us that their signal is very hit and miss. I live at
1130 feet up in the hills in a small depr...
That is what I asked for when I ordered it from O2 using the phone line
and talking to an advisor. I stressed it was for use only on my router,
and was told that was what I needed. It's still in the post and I am
currently using a different supplier ...