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TU Go is closing 30th November

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Hey all,

We see some of you have already spotted this but we wanted to confirm that the TU Go app & service will be ending on 30th November. We’ll be notifying all customers that have the TU Go app about this from today, Tuesday 17th October, through to Friday 20th October.

While TU Go is ending, we’re continuing to offer alternative calling options for our customers. More information can be found here. As VoWifi (Voice over Wifi, part of our Wifi and 4G calling capabilities) continues to develop, we’re working with our vendors to expand the selection of handsets that we offer with Wifi and 4G calling capabilities. A full list of currently supported devices can be found here, where we will also add future devices when they’re available.

If the device you’re currently using doesn’t support Wifi and 4G calling, you can check the My O2 app or get in touch with our customer service team (202 from an O2 Pay Monthly mobile, 8002 from O2 Business mobile) to see what upgrade options are available to you.

We recommend that all TU Go users make copies of any stored messages or images that they have saved on the TU Go app, as the app won’t be accessible from 1 December.

A thank you
We know that some of our O2 Community members helped test the TU Go app during beta trials and provided varied and fantastic feedback which helped our team shape the app, add new features and fix any bugs. We hope you’ve enjoyed using TU Go, and again want to thank anyone from the O2 Community that helped us.

More information on the closure of TU Go can be found here:

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Message 4 of 1,062
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3 contracts, non exsisting network coverage, no app.

I'll be changing providers.


Message 161 of 1,062

Not applicable

Sorry, this was a reply to a Muppet on page three who was saying good riddance to TU GO as Skype and WhatsApp were compatible replacements. 

Message 162 of 1,062

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I urge everyone posting on these TU and wifi threads to make a complaint

And let's also inundate the O2 CEO with emails. Let him know the depth of anger expressed on here. Just Google CEO O2 and you will find the email address of Mark Evans. Leave a daytime contact number and if anyone gets new information post back here. 

Message 163 of 1,062

Not applicable

Looks like you can't even reply to posts! Can O2 do anything right? 

Message 164 of 1,062

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@Anonymous wrote:

Sorry, this was a reply to a Muppet on page three who was saying good riddance to TU GO as Skype and WhatsApp were compatible replacements. 

Go to the post you want to reply to and hit reply under that post. In your reply click on Quote above your reply box and anyone can then see who you are replying to. 

Message 165 of 1,062

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You can add me to the list of ANNOYED CUSTOMERS (polite wording!). I have had a contract with o2 since the days when it was cellnet and TU is one of the most useful apps ever, and one of the main reasons I stuck with O2 when I upgraded in April. It’s been excellent for when I travel to parts of the UK that have lousy, or no signals (not just for o2), but more importantly, it’s great for when I am overseas and need to make a call to the UK or send or receive texts. To be able to use Tu (using my UK allowance) and not incur international roaming fees has been a godsend. And as others have mentioned, you can even use it on an ipad or android tablet.


My phone is new - I got it in April - however, it is not on your miniscule list of supported devices, nor does it have o2 firmware (because I got it through CPW), so your alternative Wifi calling offering is neither use nor ornament to me.


If I could change my contract to 3 for example, at this point, I would, but unfortunately I have a further 18months left. 😞  After being a loyal o2 customer for nigh on 30 years, unless you either continue with TU or offer an equivalent service (which includes the ability to make and receive calls and send and receive texts, over wifi, whilst only using your included minutes/texts) I will be moving to another provider when my contract comes up for renewal.


I do believe this Ryanairesque decision by the powers that be is simply a matter of money. Let’s see if we can get our customers to upgrade to more expensive phones/contracts with us, for a service that is neither equivalent to, nor better than what we have taken away from them.


As someone else has pointed out, there are more posts from angry Tu Go customers than there are for the new iphone. Rest assured, that number is going to grow when other users get their “Tu is ending” text.


I note that posting/complaining on their facebook page results in a “copy and paste” response – same reply to each and every complaint about TU being terminated. Great job o2 – now is the time to show that you listen to your customers (long shot I know) and continue with one of your best services – LONG LIVE TU!!


Rant over (for now!)

Message 166 of 1,062

Not applicable

Very bad decision by O2 to cancel TU GO 


I feel the same as others have expressed in this thread. The phone service from O2 has been nothing more than average for the 10 plus years I've run this contract with them, however, the dependability of TU GO meant that I would never consider moving network because it was so useful.


I took an important call this morning on my iPad for example, one I would have lost otherwise ...


I'm not going to cut my nose off to spite my face, but one day soon, probably in the next few months, an offer to change network will come up and I'll have no reason to stay.


Sad, mostly because it's not necessary ... But it seems that this is probably bye bye O2.

Message 167 of 1,062

Not applicable

What do you do when you have a unique app that makes so many customers put up with relatively poor network coverage and an otherwise over-priced product?

You get rid of it! Genius, o2.

Message 168 of 1,062

Not applicable
Just received a text about TU Go and am not a happy bunny. Yes I have a handset compatible with WIFI calling but the advantages of TU Go suited me better.

There goes my one and only reason for staying with O2. My contract ends in December so EE is looking favourable for me.
Message 169 of 1,062

Not applicable

I complained to Executive Relations that as a deaf and disabled customer, this will disproportionately affect me. I explained that I go for residential respite care for several weeks a year somewhere with no mobile phone reception, I don't do phone calls due to hearing loss, I therefore rely on SMS, and the demise of Tu means I will now not be able to do so.

Their response is below, including the unfinished sentence. As can probably be imagined, I am unimpressed.

My assessment of your complaint Executive Relations.

Thank you for letting us know you’ve had a problem and for giving us a chance to help. To do this I have considered your complaint and all of the issues involved. Having done so, I am not able to uphold your complaint. I will now explain my reasons why. My understanding of your complaint You’re unhappy that we’re removing the TU Go service, as you’re deaf you rely on text messages. You recently upgraded under the assumption that TU Go would be available for the full 24 month contract. When wanting to complain about this, our website only gave you options to complain over the phone. You feel that this is discriminative against yourself and other people that are unable to My investigation I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had reason to complain, I can appreciate how frustrating this must be. You’re still able to send text messages without TU Go. Whilst I understand that you may need to use TU Go when signal is bad and you can use Wi-Fi with the service, there are other third party apps available to send messages over Wi-Fi. The Terms and Conditions of your contract state that we’re able to discontinue any of additional services at any time. Our ‘How to Complain’ page on our website shows how to complain by phone. The option under this shows that you can write to or email our Complaint Review Service, although it states that we would prefer for you to discuss this with customer services first, we have alternative ways to contact our Customer Service Team. For example, we have webchat and a text relay call service. The website also shows that you can send complaints through Resolver online, which I understand that you have done. Based on the information above, I’m unable to uphold your complaint. My actions Although I’m unable to uphold your complaint, I’d like to help. I’d be happy to cancel your contract free of charge if you return the phone.

Message 170 of 1,062