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Switching my number to a new contract

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I've been looking at pre-ordering the S4 but, I've already got a contract.


I can upgrade on April 30th and that would be fine if I hadn't broken my phone.

The situation gets worse because I'm going away for 3 weeks on the 29th but will NEED a phone.


So, my question is, if I pre-order the S4 and cancel my current contract will I be able to transfer my current number to my new contract?


Also, if I cancel my contract (which ends on 29th May) when my S4 arrives, would it just be my 2 monthly payments left or would I still have to pay a cancelation fee too?

Resist and multiply
Message 1 of 17

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I haven't had the time to call them yet. If I don't get a chance to call them before I finish work today I'll be going into a shop on my way home.
Either way I'll let you guys know the outcome.
Resist and multiply
Message 11 of 17

Not applicable
Good luck 🙂
Message 12 of 17

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It'll be good to hear the outcome xiras slight_smile

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Message 13 of 17

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I wasn't able to call them before finishing work.

I did make it to a shop though...

Not exactly the most helpful people in the world!
They weren't even aware that the S4 per-order price had been reduced, I was told it would still cost me £99.

After telling them to check the O2 website rather than the internal system they seemed just as shocked as I was about their lack of knowledge.

The most helpful thing they did was tell me to call customer service and tell them I've found a better deal elsewhere but I'd be willing to stay in exchange for an early upgrade.

I'll be giving that a try tomorrow, it does sound like it could work though.

If anyone else wants to try, the best deal I found was from EE through phones 4 u.
The tariffs are pretty much the same, the phone is free, you get an £85 accessory pack and £100 to spend on google play.
That's an amazing deal if you forget that the network is EE.
Resist and multiply
Message 14 of 17

Not applicable
Affordable mobiles are doing a pretty good deal but its on T Mobile. £26 a month, unlimited texts and internet and 500 mins. Phone is £99 up front but you could go through Quidco or Top cash back for bit of cash back. Im quite tempted by this if O2 cant match, would rather stay with O2 though if possible.
Message 15 of 17

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Hey guys,

Sorry for the delayed reply, had a very busy few days sorting out stuff for my trip.

I spoke to customer service, they agreed to give me an early upgrade without much hassle.

I told them about the predicament I'm in and the deal that I'd found through EE and they offered to move my upgrade date to 26th.
Although it won't be the same as pre-ordering, if I ring them again on the 26th they'll send me out the S4 for delivery next day and they even said there's a chance I'd be able to negotiate a cheaper tarrif because, with the extras I'd be saving £185 going through phones 4 u.

Obviously my situation is unique and I can't guarantee that they'll do you any deal at all, let alone one as good as I got but, it's worth giving it a try.

Kudo's to everyone that's helped me out.
Resist and multiply
Message 16 of 17

Level 6: Acolyte
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This is not always the case, but be careful about saving on the tariff. Usually if you are upgrading early, you will be offered no special deal as you are not entitled to negotiate something as you are still officially in contract.


If you upgrade early without any penalty, then this is the special deal on it's own. So you are best to make sure before making any decisions.


I hope this helps.

I'm a Telefónica UK (O2) employee but post in a personal capacity. As such, views are my own and not those of the company.
Message 17 of 17