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O2's stupid website

Not applicable
is anyone else struggling with the rubbish website?

I want to find my bill, which in itself is impossible to do, and the website takes you on a merry-go-round which always leads you back to the dash board, never to your bill.

So you then write them a message, (by which time you're pretty annoyed) and you first have to answer a whole bunch of security questions, despite being already logged in to My O2. You write your message, click submit and yet more freaking security questions...

Surely if I am logged in to MY O2, where I can change my email address/email/phone number etc etc, why ask for it TWICE just to send an email???

and finally, if you go to change any of your personal details that section is not user friendly either. Flat No/House name a fixed field. So despite living in a house not a flat I have to put something in that field otherwise the system doesn't accept it.

Happy Monday everyone!!! grrrrh
Message 1 of 9

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Did you create an o2 account from scratch then try and link your phone to it? If so you probably haven't done it properly and that's why you can't see your bill. Call customer services (202 from your phone and it's free) and they'll give you the default login details for your account, you can then change them as you please.

I've never tried to send o2 a message so can't comment on that part of the site, I find it easier to just call them.

As for the my details section, I don't know what your doing but you don't have to have anything in the house name/flat no. field as long as you have something in the house number field.
Message 2 of 9

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As CSAGuys says, you don't need to use "flat No / House name" just put in house number and postcode then search for the address.

As for putting personal details in to send an email, that's because you're dealing with your own account. You may have logged in and it may be you sat at the PC, but it's to guard against people leaving themselves logged in on shared PC's. You can view your account by being logged in but you can't make any changes to it other than by secure email or phone, so it's there for the account holder's benefit.

Admittedly when you login to your bank's website for example, you can send secure messages without extra security quetions but their security is a little more robust and you shouldn't be able to save all your login details, which you can for the o2 site.

Message 3 of 9

Not applicable
Did you create an o2 account from scratch then try and link your phone to it? If so you probably haven't done it properly and that's why you can't see your bill. Call customer services (202 from your phone and it's free) and they'll give you the default login details for your account, you can then change them as you please.
I've never tried to send o2 a message so can't comment on that part of the site, I find it easier to just call them.
As for the my details section, I don't know what your doing but you don't have to have anything in the house name/flat no. field as long as you have something in the house number field.

The amount of people that do this and wonder why their bill wont come up is rediculous.
Message 4 of 9

Not applicable
I think the website is very poor. I find myself going round in circles. The get address doesn't work. It didn't accept the address I manually entered. I can't view bills. I'm sure it used to have contract details which I can no longer find. I just want to know how much longer my contract is to run for! Really expect something better from a company like O2.
Message 5 of 9

Not applicable
Really expect something better from a company like O2.

I think you need to lower your expectations! wink
Message 6 of 9

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I think he needs to read the previous reply.
Message 7 of 9

Not applicable
I'm not sure about rubbish but the website does give misleading information which leads to frustration.

Forgotten password – Security questions
If you have forgotten your password, please give us another way of identifying you – either the answer to your security question or your O2 account number.
Please fill in ONE box only. This is all we need to tell us it’s OK to give you access to your account details.

However, when you reach said page, only your account number is asked for. As I don't have a record of this and don't receive a paper bill, I need to log in to see my details so just how do O2 expect me to answer the question? I sent them an email 24 hours ago but haven't received an answer. And all this after calling them and arranging a change in the password to something more memorable.

I have had this type of difficulty with O2 before. Roughly 12 months ago I called to discuss a new deal on my other account and was asked for my security answer. When I told the guy that I couln't remember it and could he please prompt me with the security question, he told me that it wasn't allowed. It sounded to me at the time that their policy makers were being groomed for high office in the Civil Service.

As far as the current 'difficulty' goes, if the retentions department hadn't already offered me a free Nokia 5800 and a good (cheap) monthly package, I would no longer be a customer.
Message 8 of 9

Not applicable
I don't understand. How is it O2's fault you don't remember your password, security question and don't keep a record of your account number?
Message 9 of 9