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JellyBean roll out Xperia S

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Hi all,


Sony mobile have confirmed the roll out of JellyBean has started for the Xperia S.


Although I should imagine it'll be a while before O2 customers see it, the ball is rolling!


Personally can't wait for the ftf to appear on certain websites so i can try it!


A plea to MI5 etc, those websites you use to see what firmware has been released on what networks/regions etc.... you don't happen to know the Sony one do you??





Message 1 of 121
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Ok JB installed, maybe I use my phone differently to most people, cos I don't appear to have any issues with it, battery seems to last the same, in fact it seems to be working ok across the board, one tip, check the Google account in settings and turn off all the sync's, they seem to use the battery lots, once that was done, only dropped 8% all day! If .211 is an improvement I will be well pleased.

Message 71 of 121

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Wow the o2 JB update is finally here! (Which is a good thing) shame xda developer is already talking about 4.2.2 being brought out oh well. Mind you the bugs do need to be dealt with!
Message 72 of 121

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For o2, can you confirm either way, if the .211 update will be released when available,

or indeed any further updates to JB, once you have tested them?


Many thanks.

Message 73 of 121

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Message 74 of 121

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Hmm! Se my post previous to this one, I have had no issues with the update, lucky or just I don't use my phone to its full capacity, none of my apps or widgets have played up, after I did the upgrade my phone was just a better version of what I had, I like JB, and hope any further upgrades will jus tmake better still?


Message 75 of 121

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Hi, I have the standard O2 Xperia, not rooted totally stock and locked to O2.

I have had the .200 update for a few weeks now and want to go back to ICS.  The phone is worse than useless for what I use it for since the update - I've booked an appointment to shout at the Guru in my local store next week.


So far the problems have been

1 slow to charge battery

2 fast to drain battery

3 phone gets very hot when charging

4 apps disappear after rebooting

5 if listening to music and I get a notification sound the music stops and I have to restart the music player - and it goes back to the track I started with (not where I'd got to)

6 max 5 minutes 2g/3g data before it stops (rebooting and plane mode don't work for this)

7 wifi keeps dropping/reconnecting - seems to prefer open wifi (1 bar) rather than home wifi (3-4 bars)????


Data and battery drain are my biggest gripes - I use the phone to enter data online, usually where there is no wifi.

Message 76 of 121

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Let us know how you get on
Message 77 of 121

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Saw Guru, he wiped and reflashed the phone - now I have to install of of my apps and settings.  If it gets it working I'll let you all know.

I'll install 1 app at a time over the next couple of days - see if there's a 'guilty' app as well.

Message 78 of 121

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First impressions not good, lost 2g/3g data within 5 minutes.


Just trying the "airplane mode" trick to see if it works. At first look it seems OK, it's let me back onto data mode - now I'm just checking how long it lasts before deciding it doesn't want me to use data again.


I HAVE to use 2g/3g tomorrow for a couple of hours - so that will be the real test.


I haven't lost the shortcut for Opera when rebooting - so thats a bonus.

Message 79 of 121

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I've had a brainwave - my mobile is only 9 months old and with the exception of JB rollout and apps exactly as it was given to me.  If data doesn't work tomorrow - I'll ask for a replacement for something "that is fit for purpose"

Anyone else with a phone that hasn't been rooted should be covered by the warranty as well.

Message 80 of 121