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Samsung Galaxy S5 Losing Charge and Getting Hot

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I've had my Samsung Galaxy S5 since July (this is my 2nd one- claimed on insurance after I had my 1st one stolen). The last few days, it's been on about 50% battery and when I've gone back to it a few hours later it's completely dead and has switched itself off. When I've then put it on charge, it's charging very slowly. I've turned it onto Airplane mode to try speed up charging but it's not helping. I'm using a HTC charger, could this be contributing to the slow charge speed? This morning I charged it using the Samsung charger it came with and it charged fine. So I accept this could be why it doesn't charge quick enough. It doesn't explain why the battery is rinsing so quickly though. 


I've never had any problems with the battery until now. It's previously charged up very quickly and kept the charge for extended periods of time. 


I've also noticed the phone has started getting really hot, even when not on charge or in use. 


Does anyone have any ideas what could be wrong? I've already claimed on my insurance once and I can't afford to pay the extortionate £120 to claim on it a 2nd time. The phone itself is still under manufacturers warranty but I'm not sure how long the batteries are under warranty for. 

HTC One X since 31/08/12
No real knowledge of Technology, be gentle.
Message 1 of 34

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I would perhaps try another authentic Samsung battery and I assume your phone is on the latest firmware.

But if it is performing like this ref running hot without any intensive use, then I would suggest approaching Uk Samsung Support ,and they may ask for both the phone and battery to be sent to them for some form of diagnostic to be run on them.

Message 2 of 34

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My apologies I omitted to add to my reply ->

According to the Samsung Support site the batteries are covered for 6 Months.
Message 3 of 34

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Good morning @Catface. May I please ask, are you using TuGo and if so did you update it in the last few days?
Message 4 of 34

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bandofbrothers - thank you, I'll look for a new battery. It might be worth mentioning that it was only when my battery has naturally got down to around 50% that this has happened. After being charged to full overnight using my Samsung charger, it's now on 95% and losing charge at the normal rate.

piperdog123 - I actually have no idea 😕 Is it something the phone does itself or would I install/update it? If I would do it myself then I assume not as I don't know what it is.
HTC One X since 31/08/12
No real knowledge of Technology, be gentle.
Message 5 of 34

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After a quick Google to find out what TuGo is I can confirm I'm not using it.
HTC One X since 31/08/12
No real knowledge of Technology, be gentle.
Message 6 of 34

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So you don't have it on your phone at all? You haven't downloaded the app?
Message 7 of 34

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You're Welcome @Catface

I would always suggest that authentic original accessories such as batteries and chargers are used especially on a piece of hardware that costs hundreds of pounds.

Message 8 of 34

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piperdog123 - No, it's not on my phone. As I said, I'd never even heard about it until just now. It sounds quite good actually. Although if you're asking about it in this subject, I assume that it's not all good? So I won't be getting it while I already have some issues.

bandofbrothers - it's just never occurred to me to always use my Samsung charger. I would never use one of the cheap imitations you can buy in the mobile phone shops, I just assumed the HTC and the Nokia ones I've been using were okay.

I know for future only to use my Samsung one slight_smile

I've been using my phone pretty much constantly for the last 20 minutes and it isn't hot to the touch at all currently.
HTC One X since 31/08/12
No real knowledge of Technology, be gentle.
Message 9 of 34

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Thank you @Catface

For the moment I wouldn't recommend TuGo as since the update last week it started using 40% of my battery and I was having to charge it twice a day.

Since removing TuGo my battery has been giving me a full day on heavy use.
Message 10 of 34